Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Birthday

Today is the twenty-something birthday of my youngest son. (I know what birthday; I just figure the rest of the world doesn't need to know.) I've had the joy and privilege over the last few months to have him close to home. Due to a couple of quite sudden events in his life, he ended up leaving California and coming to Arizona to make a new start. (That means that three of my four kids now live a stone's throw away. Well ... last son?) We put him up for the last few months while he put in the due diligence to get a job, find an apartment, and get on his feet again. So he's in his own place, but no longer a state away.

If you've paid attention, my son has contributed a few pieces to my blog -- 10 in all. He has writing skills. He has a good heart, a love for the Lord, a teachable spirit. He has learned to think (and delights, perhaps a little too much, in trying to confuse his brother). He is fiercely independent, unwilling to accept handouts or charity or much help at all -- somewhat of a rarity in today's world, I think. He has many good qualities and I try to tell him, but today, his birthday, I'll do it in writing.

There you go, Jonathan. Happy birthday. It has been such a pleasure having you in our house and I look forward to more time with you in the future now that you're just down the street. I appreciate you and am proud of you and now you have it in writing. Bookmark this page. ("See, Dad? You did say you were proud of me ... at least once. I have documentation!")

(Of course, this is pretty easy to write since Jonathan doesn't have an Internet connection and will likely never see it -- snicker, snicker.)


  1. Well Dad, he can have an internet connection soon...buy him an iTouch for Christmas and he can pull up to your driveway and piggyback off of your wireless connection...

  2. Oh, man, that's a great idea! I'm taking contributions toward his Christmas present already!

  3. Happy Birthday! to him. We were born very on a few thousand miles from each other on the planetary orbit.

  4. Love this! Wow 7 years ago you wrote this, how time flies. He lives far away now, bet you miss him. I sure do!


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