Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Violating Human Rights

Whoa, whoa! Somehow this one managed to get under the radar ... at least mine. So here I am, minding my own business, and suddenly I find out that our Beloved President has reported Arizona to the U.N. as a violator of human rights. What??!!

Okay, I get it. The world hates America, or at least a good portion of the world does. And I get it. More than 30% of Americans think that it is wrong to enforce federal immigration law. Fine. I get it. But even though the federal lawsuit against Arizona (that phrase still rings horribly in my ears) succeeded in taking all the tooth out of Arizona's law to enforce federal law, the White House is still on the warpath with our state. And we are now violators of human rights. We want to stop the drug traffic, the human traffic, the deaths in the desert, the violation of federal law ... and we're violating human rights.

Now, of course, the law that we passed that arrests brown-skinned people without cause and the law that we are working on to allow "shoot on sight" rules for anyone suspected of being in the country illegally ... sure ... those might be construed as violations of human rights ... except that they don't exist, never have, and (as far as I can tell) never will.

From all around there are calls to boycott Arizona. The feds are suing us repeatedly. My brother-in-law asked for a "divorce". "I don't think I can be related to someone who is a 'human rights violator'." So at what point can it be said that the war against Arizona is violating our human rights?


  1. Yea, but this sort of thing really works on people who only know what Opra has told them. And that's all its really meant to do.

  2. What's a little frightening is that the administration made the report to the U.N. Does that mean that the U.N. only knows what Oprah has told them?

  3. Still I await signs of the brilliance that Obama was claimed to possess.

  4. Brilliance? I thought he promised change, not brilliance. And he's carrying through on that promise. "You know how it used to be that enforcing federal law was good? Well, now we're going to make it a violation of human rights! Change!"

  5. You must excuse me. I see everything that liberal politicians do, including reports to the UN, as political posturing though appeals to emotions; which, works on those who, unlike the vast majority of people in the UN, can vote for Obama.

  6. No need to excuse you. I am not confident in the least that the U.N. is better informed than those who get their life-lessons from Oprah.


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