Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Do the Math

The Law of Gravity -- "objects with mass attract one another". Simple. We got it. Thanks.

The force of gravity is defined by Newton's formula:


In this formula, F is the force of gravity, G is a constant (the Gravitational Constant) which can be measured, m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects in question, and d is the distance between them. And there you can see that gravity follows the inverse square law. Nice!

Okay, now the brilliant Stephen Hawking has just been quoted as saying, "Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing." Clear enough. So we have gravity (given) and we have nothing (given), so let's put it in the formula and see what we get.

F=((6.67300 × 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2) x 0 x 0)/0. The answer? Yeah, I don't think we need a calculator to figure that out. Not so brilliant!


  1. Yeah, I heard about his claim that science has made God unnecessary and that because we have things like the law of gravity and physics God doesn't need to enter the equation. It certainly is amazing how such a brilliant mind can be so stupid. If those most intelligent of Mankind can't come to the conclusion of God and Christ, how can anyone ever argue that we can choose God of our own free will with no influence from God.

  2. Now, to be fair, I don't believe that people argue that "we can choose God of our own free will with no influence from God." I think they argue that God "woos" us (they wouldn't use the term, but that's the idea). You know, the Spirit calls and we, "of our own free will" answer. This, of course, assumes a neutral stance on God -- "Oh! There You are, God! Didn't see you there!" -- as opposed to the hostile stance the Bible says Man has.

    And I suppose we shouldn't be too surprised at Hawking. We are told that Natural Man cannot comprehend spiritual things and that the god of this world has blinded them.


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