Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Rated R

There is a website that will, just for fun, rate your blog. I tried it out. According to their analysis, my blog is rated R. Why?
This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:
* hell (16x)
* dead (6x)
* gun (2x)
* hurt (1x)
Hey, my nephew has been known to read this stuff. Maybe my brother-in-law ought to stop the poor guy from reading such smut. I mean, I used the word "hurt" once. Fie upon me! "Gun" twice? What kind of a place am I running here? But, obviously, the worst is the use of the term "hell".

It's an odd thing. I've seen movies with PG or PG13 ratings that include worse language and even partial nudity and because mine uses the word "hell" (too many times or is it just because the word appears at all?), this is site ought to be restricted to people over 17.

Of course, it has always been my contention that the Good News is not good news without bad news. Telling you "Jesus loves you" all by itself might just feed your ego unless you realize that there are good reasons why He might not. Telling you "You need to repent" is pointless if you don't know why. Jumping to Paul's affirmation that believers are "vessels of mercy" doesn't have the same impact if it doesn't start with the certainty that we were "vessels of wrath prepared for destruction". In other words, without "hell", heaven isn't as sweet.

Well, I suppose I can live with an "R" rating. Only you and I will know it. I still think there is more dangerous stuff out there in the PG13 world than you find on my blog. But wouldn't want to infect those tender young minds with what I have to say, would we? Or maybe it's just that a lot of people under 17 wouldn't understand what I write? Nah! That can't be it.


  1. ???

    This is funny. You know what MY blog got, don't you?

    A squeaky clean "G"

    This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:

    * dead (1x)

    No offense, but I think my website is WAY more objectionable than your website. How come I didn't get an "R" rating???

  2. This really is fun. You know Neil, at 4simpsons/eternity matters blog?

    He got an NC-17 rating!

    Thanks for pointing this out...

  3. You sound offended that you didn't get an "R" rating! :)

    I thought it was ludicrous anyway ... which, I suppose, is why I blogged on it.

  4. I see that the presence of the word, "Missionary" can cause you to have a more "adult" rating. Weird.


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