Sunday, May 09, 2010

Mother's Day, 2010

Let me share a small tribute to my mother.

Watch the news much and you'll find a rising number of mothers who see their children as liabilities. They'll ignore them ... at best. More mothers are in the mode of trying to be their kids' best friend. They ignore discipline because the little tykes wouldn't like her if she was "mean" to them.

My mom never ignored me, and she never tried to be my best friend. She wasn't too concerned if I liked her. She never acquiesced because I complained. Mom was better than that. Mom never tried to be my buddy, but she was the best that a friend could be because her primary concern was always my best interest. Sometimes that meant that I would be unhappy while she taught me hard lessons. Sometimes it meant that I didn't get to do the things I wanted to do. Sometimes it hurt. Sometimes it made me mad. But Mom was single-minded. She raised us with love and truth and didn't waver. And she modeled for her kids what she believed. She actually lived it.

Funny thing. Today my mother is one of my best friends. We enjoy lengthy discussions on deep topics. We analyze our favorite passages of Scripture together or talk about current events and what's behind them or whatever else is pressing. We bounce ideas off each other -- "I wonder if this verse means this. What do you think?" We learn from each other. She is a truly great friend.

I love my mom. I cannot imagine a better mother. She loved me enough to endure great pain on my behalf. She loved me enough to pray for me when I was running the wrong direction. (I still remember that cake you left on my doorstep for my birthday that one year when I lived somewhere you were afraid to visit, Mom.) She still loves me enough to correct me when I'm wrong and I know so well that she loves me that I can appreciate it when she does. Hey, sometimes I even ask for it!

Happy Mother's Day, Mom. I know, I know, you don't feel like the best mom ever. That's okay. I'm still entitled to my opinion. So I'll continue to hold you in the highest regard. I love you, Mom.


  1. Sounds like you've got a wonderful mom, Stan! :o) She's someone I can look forward to meeting in Heaven someday!

    You know those coffee mugs and other gift items that say things like "World's Best Mom" or "#1 Mom"? Well, now don't feel bad for me, but my oldest son told me a few years ago that he thinks those are really kind of unrealistic, when you think about it. (I very much enjoy his brutal honesty sometimes.) He said even if a person were to get his or her mom a coffee cup that said "World's 37th" or "4916th Best Mom" it would STILL be a HUGE compliment because, of all the MILLIONS of moms in this world, she'd be ranked right up there in the top 100 or 5000! I told him he ought to have such a thing made for me and I'd love it. I've known for a long time that I've had lots of room for improvement, so that would be both honoring and MUCH more realistic! (Darn, I didn't get one this Mother's Day. Should have reminded him of that conversation I guess.)

    By the way, he DID give me one that said "World's Best Mom" years back but, somewhere along the line, it got chipped on the rim right where I sip, which somehow seemed humorously apropos to me and helps keep me humble. It's flawed, but it still works. :o)

    I just got to spend Mother's Day with my mom for the first time in maybe 2 whole decades, so that was very special.

    To moms everywhere!

  2. I know I'm a flawed father (try saying that five times fast). It's things like that fact that make me so very, very grateful that God is Sovereign ... 'cause if it was left up to me, I'd mess it all up.

    Wow! 20 years? Glad you got to see your mom again. I couldn't go that long without seeing mine.

  3. Oh, well, I usually see her at least once a year and sometimes as many as 3 times a year, but I think that was just the first actual Mother's Day I've been with her in that long. That's all. :o)

    Fawed flather. Sheesh.

    Yes, I'm also so grateful that parenting my children is not left entirely up to us, their earthly parents. So glad they have their Heavenly Father overseeing all.


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