Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day, 2010

Meet Jared Monti. Jared is from Massachusetts. At age 21, Jared was part of an intelligence-gathering patrol in northeastern Afghanistan. The 16-man team was attacked by more than 60 enemy troops. Jared called for artillery and air support. One of his patrol was killed and another, Specialist Brian Bradbury, was wounded. The leader of the patrol's sniper team said he was going to get Bradbury, but Monti called him off. "That's my guy. I'm going to get him." Jared tried three times. The first two times he was chased back by enemy fire, and on the third he was hit by an RPG (rocket-propelled grenade). Monti died a few moments later of his wounds. He was awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroic actions on July 24, 2009.

Private Charles Barker served in the Infantry in Korea, a war fought to stop the spread of Communism into South Korea. He was at the famous Pork Chop Hill. His patrol surprised some enemy soldiers digging emplacements on the hill. His patrol took up firing positions while Private Barker moved through open ground firing and throwing grenades at enemy positions. Low on ammunition and hit by friendly mortar fire, the patrol was ordered to retreat. Private Barker remained behind to cover their withdrawal. He was last seen in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy, allowing the rest of his patrol to safely retreat. Private Charles Barker was awarded the Medal of Honor for his "conspicuous gallantry and indomitable courage above and beyond the call of duty".

In World War II, some of the fiercest fighting took place on obscure islands in the Pacific. One of these was Peleliu, an island in the island nation of Palau. It is a tiny island southwest of the Philippines, and the Battle of Peleliu is legendary. One of the first ashore in the landing was Corporal Lewis Bausell of Virginia. He led his men in a charge against an enemy pillbox. Reaching the gun emplacement first, he fired through the slit until his men could join him. The Japanese threw a grenade into their midst and Corporal Bausell didn't hesitate. He threw himself on the grenade, absorbing the blast and saving the lives of his men. But he wasn't alone. Private First Class Richard Kraus of Illinois volunteered to evacuate a wounded comrade. He and three others were heading for the rear when they came across some Marines. Demanding the password, the Japanese disguised as Marines threw a grenade at the group. PFC Kraus threw himself on the grenade and saved the lives of his three companions. So did PFC John New, a resident of Alabama. He threw himself on an enemy grenade and saved the lives of his two fellow soldiers. PFC Charles Roan of Texas was wounded by an enemy grenade. When a second one landed in their midst, he threw himself on it and saved the lives of four men. All of these men were awarded the Medal of Honor for their actions.

According to infoplease, more than 4,400 Americans died in the American Revolution. In the Civil War, the Union suffered 140,000 combat deaths and the Confederacy suffered 74,000 combat deaths. Some 53,000 American soldiers died in World War I. In World War II, over 290,000 members of the American military lost their lives. The Korean War cost the lives of 33,000 American fighters. More than 47,000 Americans died defending liberty in Vietnam. In total, America has lost more than 650,000 in battle.

Veterans Day is a day that we salute all military veterans, living and dead. They may have served in battle or they may have served in peace. They may have been on the front lines or they may have been cooking meals behind the scenes. All who served in the military are honored on Veterans Day. But today is Memorial Day. This day is set aside as a special remembrance of the men and women who gave their lives in service to this country. Some say, "You can't make a perfect world with bombs" and I understand the point. On the other hand, there are things worth giving one's life for and things worth defending ... with force if necessary. You may voice disagreement with the government in this action or that war and you're free to do that ... because thousands of men and women in the military gave their lives believing they were fighting for what was right. For their sacrifice, for the freedom they secured for us, for the liberty they have given us and to others, for the price they paid selflessly and generously, I am truly thankful.

1 comment:

  1. Stan, I really liked this post! I love to hear the hero stories :)


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