Sunday, March 14, 2010

Is Worshiping God Boring?

R.C. Sproul writes about Becoming a Worshiper of God in a series of posts. In this one he addresses the point we've likely all heard and maybe even said: "Church is boring."

Imagine that! When Israel stood in the presence of God in Exodus, they had various reactions -- mostly abject terror -- but not one of those reactions was boredom. What about you? Are you bored in church? Why do you think that is? Could it be that you're not getting it? Or do you actually think that being in the concentrated presence of God could actually be boring? What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I think for some, the routine of it can be boring. Right now, I must admit I'm feeling it a bit myself. I want to be there, but then once I am, I find I'm checkin' the wristwatch more than I used to. Part of it is the sermon, which isn't usually the most compelling.

    This is something that turns away many, I think. It's almost as if worship needs to be entertaining. Some churches seem to cater to this and it seems to me that is not the right thing to be doing. To me, church is for worship. If anyone needs to "get something out of it", they're in the wrong place. They probably need to attend Bible study classes instead.

    I've got not problems with Sunday sermons teaching and preaching in a way that isn't like taking sleeping pills, but the worshipping is the key and the preaching is secondary, IMHO.


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