Sunday, March 07, 2010

Grace upon Grace

There is a well-known section in Exodus where Moses makes the bold request, "Show me your glory" (Exo 33:18). God agrees, but warns him that he cannot see God in all His glory -- it would be fatal -- and puts him in the cleft of a rock to see only His back. Great story. But John Piper points out this very bizarre verse that precedes the request:
"If I have found favor in your sight, please show me now your ways, that I may know you in order to find favor in your sight" (Exo 33:13).
How strange! "If I have found favor in your sight" ... "to find favor in your sight". Moses's request is predicated on having found favor and aimed at finding favor.

I see it as the perfect definition of Christian living. No, not Christian salvation; Christian living. Having found favor in His sight, we seek to know Him better so that we can find favor in His sight. Having been made perfect, we seek to live up to that which we have been made (Phil 3:11-16). The first favor is grace -- unmerited favor. In truth, the second favor is grace -- unmerited favor. But the cry of the heart of the true believer is something similar. "Having found grace, I want to know you better to find grace." "As an act of gratitude, I thank You." "Because I am forgiven, I seek Your forgiveness." "I believe; help my unbelief!"

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