Monday, February 15, 2010


What would Jesus do? The wave is just about past, but not entirely. Offer up a "WWJD" just about anywhere and they'll still know what you're talking about. Me, personally ... I never liked it much. In some things it was too obvious and in others far too vague. Bottom line, I never felt like I had a good handle on the right answer because Jesus always did the unexpected and what He did always varied based on the circumstances. What would Jesus do? He'd love His neighbor and spread the Gospel. That was too easy ... and too vague. I'm left with an unsatisfied feeling.

Back in the Al Gore/George Bush presidency campaign there was a point where they asked Mr. Gore how he would run his presidency. He responded that he'd ask himself, "What would Jesus do?" Now, the fact that no one blew up about that is a little puzzling, but, face it, most people didn't actually believe him, so no one really cared. Still, I was left wondering how to possibly answer the question. Here, move forward to today. If Jesus were president, what would He do? How would He handle the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq? How would He deal with the economic problems we're facing? What would He do with taxes, health care, education, poverty, and on and on? You see, I cannot even begin to offer an answer. Nothing He did in the Bible would answer them. I don't even believe He'd serve as President. You see, He was always a people person, one-on-one, in among the masses. Politics wasn't His concern. The Gospel was His concern. He came to seek and to save the lost. A job like President would just get in the way. So how would I answer how Jesus would deal with matters of State?

So I try to bring the question down to simpler things, more personal things. How would Jesus handle life in the United States? Would He be a voter or not? I don't know. Would He campaign against liberalism or start a "seeker-sensitive" church? I doubt it on both counts. Would He use the media? Again, seems unlikely to me. How animated would He get if you were His disciple and asked Him what He thought about health care? How concerned would He be about the government ... or the Church in America? You know, even down to simpler things I find it hard to answer.

I am a follower of Christ. You'd think I'd have a better handle on what Christ would do. Still, I'm not sure that was ever a question I was supposed to answer. My question is "What would You have me to do?" That may or may not be the same answer.

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