Sunday, February 28, 2010

Who do you trust?

Isn't it funny? It's alright these days to trust just about anyone. Well, anyone not human. I mean, of course you don't trust strangers or the government or things like that. No, I'm talking about life choices. It's okay to trust ... "the Force" or karma or the "spirit that lives within us all". In the movie, Alaska, the young hero was told by the wise eskimo to "trust the bear". And we hoped he would. Hey, in Avatar the really astute ones trusted a tree. Well, of course, that's because the tree was part of the entire life force that encompassed the entire planet and all that was on it. Now, that was commendable. And yet ... try to tell people that you are trusting in God and they'll likely think you quaint, trite, foolish. It's okay to trust a tree, but not the Creator.

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