Saturday, February 06, 2010

Pray for my Kids

When I was in junior high school, someone told me this little story. I've never forgotten it because, well, it made too much sense to me.

Do you know what double petunia is?
Well, a petunia is like a begonia.
A begonia is a kind of sausage.
A sausage and battery is a crime.
Monkeys crime trees.
Trees a crowd.
A rooster crowd and made a noise.
A noise is the thing between your eyes.
When you vote, there are eyes and there are nays.
A colt nays.
If you go out in the rain with a colt, you wake up with double petunia.

Pray for my kids. That's the kind of father they grew up with.


  1. Thats so you! Your kids definitely need help... Just joking your a great dad and been a great leader for me when I was young... Thanks

  2. Great! A kind comment from a guy whose dad was even crazier than me.


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