Wednesday, January 27, 2010

You Get 'Em When They're Not Looking

So I'm not really paying attention with the evening news on and I hear out of the corner of my ear a story about how Doctors perform transfusions on Valley woman’s unborn baby. What a concept! The mother has a rare blood condition that attacks her baby's red cells in the womb. So they're giving this little child transfusions every two to three weeks to save her life. (Her name is already Sharon before she's born.)

Then there's this fascinating quote from one of the doctors involved in the procedure:

"I always think it's a really, really fantastic thing that we have this technology available to us. It always is mind-blowing to me that we're about to operate on a life that's not born," said Dr. Lam.
"Operate on a life that's not born." Not a fetus. Life.

It seems like, when the issue of abortion is not on the table, everyone is well aware that the little one in the womb is a life, a child, a baby, worthy of the best possible care that we can offer. When abortion isn't the question, most will readily admit it's a life. Just don't ask them to repeat it when you're asking about abortion.

Another prime example. A woman went to the hospital with premature labor. She admitted that she had been smoking for the first 6 months of her pregnancy (which is stupid but not illegal). For the sake of the baby, the court ordered her not to leave the hospital. The state attorney who filed the suit to confine the woman said, "This is good people trying to do things in a right fashion to save lives -- whether some people want them saved or not." Lives? I thought they were merely tissue blobs.

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