Saturday, January 23, 2010


Cindy McCain, prominent wife of Senator John McCain, caused a stir the other day when she came out in California against Prop 8 with the No H8 Campaign. Alongside Meghan McCain, the senator's well-known daughter, a picture of her was posted that shows her mouth taped shut and a "NOH8" painted on her face to declare to the world that homosexuals should be allowed to redefine marriage to suit their desires against the will of Californian voters and against what the California Supreme Court acknowledged was "the longstanding traditional definition of marriage".

Okay, that's not quite accurate. The senator's wife and daughter, after careful consideration of all the issues at hand, have wisely determined that the issue at hand is hate for homosexuals. Thus, they've stepped forward to speak out against hate by taping their mouths shut ... no, wait ... okay, hold on a minute ...

Let's try this again. Cindy McCain, wife of Senator McCain, has demonstrated with a whole host of other people, including the senator's daughter, a complete failure to comprehend the issues at hand. The assumption on their part is that the only possible reason for Prop 8 (and the myriad of similar bills passed in other states) is hate for homosexuals. There can be no other reason. Any other reason is simply a derivative of hate. (Oddly enough, in all the reports I've read and seen, I've never found anyone from the "pro-Prop 8" side speak or act hatefully. When the California Supreme Court struck down the voters' choice to define marriage as it had always been defined and then, by judicial fiat, commanded a redefinition of marriage, I didn't hear of violence or threats. That only occurred, from what I saw, when it went the other way, and it was the homosexual side that was acting hatefully. But, hey, who can trust the media, right?)

Let me state clearly and carefully here that I do not hate people who are sexually attracted to others of the same gender. That would be stupid. It would be like hating people who commit adultery or people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol or people who look at porn. Everyone has desires for things that they ought not. Hating them for it serves no purpose and makes no sense. In fact, I agree with "no hate". I'm opposed to hate as well. I favor keeping marriage defined as marriage because I favor marriage, not because I oppose others who do not agree with me. Of course, that won't be showing up on the NOH8 campaign anytime soon, will it?

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