Friday, December 18, 2009

Change of Pace

I've been blogging since June 20, 2006. I've worked hard at posting at least once a day. In the 1277 days that have elapsed since then, I've posted 1326 entries. I guess I'm keeping up to my goal of posting at least once a day, at least on average.

I don't actually know how many regular readers I have. I can't actually imagine anyone starting out their day thinking, "Oh, I can't wait to get to read 'Winging It' today." Still, I won't rule out the possibility that there are some faithful readers who might become confused or concerned if I fail to post something someday.

All this to say that, due to a variety of circumstances (work, home, the season, lots of stuff), it may be necessary for me to skip a day or two. Not to worry, my friends. All is well. Pressures of time and opportunity might cause me to be unable to post for short durations. There is nothing wrong. I'm not giving up. I'm not worn out, discouraged, sick, or tired. Mostly, I'm busy. So if I miss a day or two, relax. I'll be posting as often as I can. I just may not be able to keep up the pace I've managed for the last few years. And thanks to you loyal readers for being concerned.


  1. I have often wondered how you do it. Checking out your blog actually IS something I look forward to doing each day, so thank you in advance for letting us know that nothing is wrong if all of a sudden one day you "disappear". You know, like having to wonder if our computers must be broken or something. :o)

  2. Really, dude. Don't you have more important things to do? :)

    I, too, check you out almost daily. A day or two missing here or there by either of us wouldn't hurt. I really can't imagine keeping the same pace you do with my own blog. You must be much more inspired to write than I. Some days I just plain have nothing to say.

    You might consider a hit counter. I think you can get them for free. I thought of that for myself, as I also wonder about readership. I know of a few people who read but never comment. However, keeping track might result in depressing numbers.

  3. Marshall, I actually use a hit counter. On the low end, I get something like 200 visitors a week, and on the high end it has been up to nearly 500. I'm not big time, but I'm satisfied. And look! Both you and Sherry (and my mom who never comments online but does by email) are regular readers. I guess that qualifies as a ministry, right? :)

  4. Well, it was a change of pace ... and you do have other things to do besides reading my blog. ;)


We're always happy to have a friendly discussion with you readers. "Friendly" is the key word here. If it gets too heated or abusive, I'll have to block the comment. Let's keep it friendly, okay?