Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I love my wife

This isn't the first time I've made this statement on my blog. And I don't think it's too trivial to repeat. However, I recently made an interesting discovery that reinforced this fact -- I love my wife. The method of discovery was a bit odd, so bear with me.

In a typical month my wife might ask me to drop by the local pharmacy to pick up some prescription that's ready or some such. Fairly common. I'm happy to do it. And when I run the errand she asks of me, I will often walk down the "treats aisle" of whatever store I'm at to see if there's something there just for me, a treat, you know, for being a nice guy. Without fail, I will not buy said treats because my desire for something nice just for me is drowned out by "Do I really want to bother paying for it?" and "I don't really want it that bad" and "It's not really that good for me" and that sort of stuff. Or so I thought.

Recently we acquired some new "house guests". Instead of it just being the two of us in the house, we suddenly have a crowd including very young children. My wife is busy ... busier than she's ever been. She works from dawn to dusk and beyond trying to watch children and keep the house from total annihilation and counsel adults and ... well, she's pretty busy. And when I went to pick up something for her at the store, I did my typical "treat aisle" run ... and was overwhelmed by the "need" to get something just for me. The strength of the desire was somewhat shocking to me. And there were similar things going on in various parts of my life. Very odd!

Do you want to know what I discovered when I analyzed it? My wife is an amazing woman. She isn't extravagant or overt, but she does hundreds of little things in our marriage to keep me satisfied. They're not "loud". You likely wouldn't notice. Still, she is constantly in the process of doing things that say to me, "You're special." My wife has an amazing ability to keep me satisfied. That's why, when I would run down the typical "treat aisle", I would have no compulsion to actually treat myself. Right now she has her attentions drawn from normal living, but under normal circumstances I didn't need something special just for me because I was already being treated as special. That's why I didn't need what most men seem to need -- something that is just for me. It was because she always made me feel that I was special to her.

Now, you can brag about your beauty queen wife or talk about your loving wife or whatever you want. That's good. My wife is, in my book, of the highest caliber. She keeps me satisfied. She doesn't do it with words, but with deeds. She doesn't do it by being a doormat or in some fawning way (which would simply destroy the concept for me), but in quiet ways you likely wouldn't be conscious of. A little special something from the store there. A willingness to watch whatever I got from the video store here. The freedom to spend an hour on the computer without nagging me about it over there. Little things that say repeatedly, "I love you and you're special" without flying the flags that demand recognition for it. My wife keeps me satisfied, and that, dear readers, is one of the highest compliments a husband can pay his wife in my book.


  1. Beautiful! Blessings to you and your wife.

  2. Y'know, I gotta say, when I talk about my wife I usually say something like:

    She's a babe, she's a great wife, mother, homemaker, cook and she cleans my shorts.

    More than just a pithy comment, it shows that, especially the part about the shorts, that she really loves me (and frankly got the short end of the stick). I mean think about it. She actually cleans my shorts! If that ain't love, man, I don't know what is. I never asked her to do that. She just started doing it. She'd have to actually bathe me to be any better to me. I'm truly blessed.


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