Monday, September 14, 2009

The New Barbie

More than once I've written something about the push these days to eliminate gender differences. Now, to be completely fair, no one is saying, "Men are women and women are men." Okay, almost no one. Everyone understands and agrees that they are different. No, what's really going on is the annihilation of gender roles. The goal, it seems, is to say that women can do anything that men can do, that there is no "guy things" or "gal things" in life, that we all do the same stuff. (Funny thing ... no one seems to be saying, "Men can do anything women can do." Why is that?)

Enter the latest entry -- Barbie and the Three Musketeers. It's a straight-to-video CGI movie where Barbie plays a girl named Corrine (Ahem ... does anyone realize that Barbie is a doll, not an actress?) (And is it wrong these days to call females who act "actress"? Or are they only "actors" because we're trying to erase gender differences? But I digress ...) who wants to be a musketeer. Now, the dictionary says that a musketeer is "A member of the French royal household bodyguard in the 17th and 18th centuries." Actually, they existed in China, India, Spain, Russia, France, Sweden, Britain, and Poland. They were the soldiers who carried the muskets. Who they were and that they were only male is not up for discussion. But the makers of Barbie want these nice little girls to know that they, too, can be weapon-toting, gun-slinging, killing machines. Don't let your gender slow you down. You can be anything you want to be!

Seriously, people, is this really the place we want to go? Christians ought to have no question. The Bible clearly differentiates between roles of men and women ... and they aren't the same. They are complementary (not complimentary). We work best in the God-given roles of male and female and operate best as a team of both male and female. Do we really want to blur the lines? Haven't we already done enough damage there? Seriously.


  1. The reason guys aren't saying we can do anything women can do is because we don't WANT to do it. I certainly know I don't want to give birth and breast feed. The cry for equality is all a part of the Fall. God tells women to be under male authority for a reason, and it's because it goes against what their fallen nature wants to do. And since men don't know how to love as they should, they go along and agree with the women, not knowing that they aren't loving them.
    Plus they don't say it because we are in a "male dominated" society, and only the oppressed are complaining.

  2. You would say that ours is a male-dominated society? I'm not so sure anymore. And I would be cautious about the phrase "equality". There is no suggestion of unequal value, worth, etc. It's simply different roles.

  3. No, I wouldn't say we are living in a male-dominant society, thus the quotation marks.


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