Thursday, July 09, 2009

Photo Op

Taken from my back patio the other morning. It's a Turkey Vulture catching some early morning sun before he set out for the day. He looked really disappointed when I told him, "I know how it looks, but I'm not dead yet."


  1. What an amazing picture, and so nice of him / her to pose for you! Hope you have a nice frame ready for that.

  2. Great stuff! I love the light filtering through the flight feathers. Seems like a great place to sun himself, maybe you'll see him again. Just don't get too close or he might vomit for you, and trust me, vulture vomit stinks!!

  3. You asked for more bird pictures! (I couldn't believe he posed for me like that.)

  4. Science PhD Mom,

    He was back again this morning. You were right. (I think I'll avoid verifying your claim about stinky vomit.)


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