Friday, June 12, 2009

A New Day is A'comin'

Hate Crime Legislation -- it sounds so ... innocuous. Of course we want to ban hate crimes. No one should have to endure that. Of course we're in favor of hate crime legislation. And we smile and usher in ... rules we never saw coming.

As most of us know, the Senate is currently working on pushing through a new federal law to combat hate crime. So controversial is this law that there are now rumors that they won't even bring it to the floor for a vote. They'll just push it through attached to another piece of legislation. But they're working on it. And it is already through the House, so be ready ... here it comes.

What's the big deal? Look what's happening in the UK with similar legislation. According to the Telegraph, "Religious groups are to be forced to accept homosexual youth workers, secretaries and other staff, even if their faith holds same-sex relationships to be sinful."

It is becoming ... interesting to be a Christian in the UK, according to the article. In one case, a nurse was suspended for offering to pray for a patient. In another, a British Airways worker was sent home for wearing a cross. While it's not being said, the sense of it is, "If you're a Christian here, don't tell anyone. You'll be better off keeping your faith silent." Funny thing ... that's a lot like what you might hear from Satan, isn't it?

Oh, sure, that's them and this is us. But we're headed that way, aren't we? Canada has threatened legal action against pastors who preach that homosexual behavior is a sin. The UK is ready to force churches to employ homosexuals regardless of their particular view of the subject. And we here in the U.S. are "homophobic" and "hate-mongers" because we believe the Bible. More and more people are inciting hate toward religious beliefs. Churches have been burned. Christianity has been edged more and more out of the public arena.

I'm not at all sure there's much that can be done about it. President Obama made it quite clear where he stands on the subject when he ordered June (ala Clinton) to be National Gay Pride Month, making what Christianity holds to be a sin to rather be a matter of pride. He'll certainly sign the legislation. So be ready for the time that is very possibly just around the corner when we will be forced to either move our faith underground or to compromise our beliefs -- your choice.


  1. Wow. Thanks, President Obama, for declaring for an entire nation one whole MONTH of all our years ahead as a time in which to express pride in our nation's tolerance for the open practice and promotion of homosexuality ~ an act which is still considered a sin in the eyes of Almighty God to many, many people.

    A minority of the citizenry embraces homosexuality as something good and right, yet he decides for ALL that it's worthy of an annual month-long celebration (or, at the least, recognition). The audacity. (BTW, one of the definitions of audacious is: "contemptuous of law, religion, or decorum".) Did he ask US if we wanted 1/12th of our year dedicated to that?! Oh, that's right, he doesn't have to. He's the president.

    Like the proclamation states: "LGBT youth should feel safe to learn without the fear of harassment, and LGBT families and seniors should be allowed to live their lives with dignity and respect." Yes, they should, but why dedicate an entire month to this?

    Did our President tell the Islamic nations he just visited that, from now on, the U.S. was going to annually be proclaiming our national PRIDE in regard to "our" acceptance of the practices of bisexuality, transgenderism, and homosexuality? Those countries have FAR less tolerance of these things! And many of them already consider us "The Great Satan", so I rather doubt that he brought that up to them.

    It's not just those who heed The Bible that consider homosexuality a sin rather than a matter of pride. It's most all of the vast Islamic world, too! The Quran condemns homosexuality as an intolerable sin and those caught practicing it are punished in nearly all heavily Islamic populated nations. It is called indecent, degenerate, and ignorant in their holy scriptures. I believe 7 Islamic nations still view it as so grievious a sin against Allah and against nature that those caught in it are still sometimes put to death. That's awful! And yet, here in the U.S., do we ever hear of any religion besides Christianity getting bashed for intolerance? (I don't. Do you?)

    In order to make it fair for Christians, shouldn't Muslims also to be called derogatory names such as "homophobic" and "hatemongers" by those who say such things? But then, fairness to Christians is not what we're talking about here, is it?

  2. It does seem a bit unfair, doesn't it? I mean, on one hand, where's the "Atheist Pride" month or the "Alcoholics Pride" month? Atheists make up 10% or so ... shouldn't they have a month of "pride"? And alcoholics are "born that way", so it must be good. Shouldn't they have a month of "pride"?

    On the other hand, every religion on the planet considers homosexual sex a sin. Why aren't they homophobic? All religions for all time and all societies in all of history have defined marriage as the union of opposite genders. Why aren't they "unfair", "judgmental", or "homophobic"? Just doesn't seem fair and balanced, does it?

  3. It's just the start.

    So many things will be coming down the pike to take away our freedom, it will make our heads spin.

    Head spinning will also become illegal.

  4. Hey, Steve ... any relation to ... oh, never mind.

    It's the latest and greatest thing, something we've been brewing up for the last half century or more. It's called "stateism" and we're all quite sure that the government is our friend and can run our lives much better than we can ... definitely better than God can. But we miss it because it eats away little by little.


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