Tuesday, June 23, 2009


During our recent trip to Sedona, my wife and I took a pleasant hike into nature. The scenery was beautiful and the goal of the trail was to leave the land untouched. So I was really excited when I came across what is sure to be a colossal find.

If you look into the center of the picture you'll see a small pile of rocks. These rocks are not on the path, so they're obviously natural. They appear to be neatly stacked one on top of the other, but this is a nonsensical conclusion based on a predisposition to find intelligence in the design of the universe. No, no, here is a photographic display of the amazing random erosion of rock to look like "design" when we all know that no such design took place.

Marvelous, isn't it? I mean, what idiot would leap to the conclusion that there is intelligence behind that design? Sheesh!


  1. I'm not sure what you mean. Are you suggesting God stacked those rocks?

  2. No. What I mean is that no one looks at that stack and says, "It just happened by a quirk of nature." Everyone looks at that stack and says, "Someone stacked those rocks." It is abundantly clear, without any real "evidence", that there is "design" in that stack of rocks. Yet, when others suggest "It is abundantly clear that there is design in the universe", they're dismissed as loons. Why is one so clear but the other so easily ridiculed and dismissed?

  3. The rocks were ultimately stacked by random forces. If we are, as some claim, only a meaningless fluke of nature, then the rocks were thereby meaninglessly stacked by the meaningless life-form that was the meaningless result of meaningless random chance. That is, meaningless life spontaneously burst onto the scene, evolved meaninglessly into increasingly, but no less meaningless, complexity then meaninglessly stacked those no less meaningful rocks in meaningless order. What I find more fascinating is the cognitive dissonance that results when meaning spontaneously bursts from this meaninglessness within the meaningless minds of those who advocate such meaninglessness.

  4. Thank you for the clarification. I didn't get what you were trying to convey either, though I detected sarcasm.

    Yes, it's amazing and incredible that ANYONE could look closely at the perfection and symmetry of flowers, the very beautiful, intricate patterns on seashells, the gorgeous, multi-colored sheen of bird feathers and dragonfly wings, know that there are fish deep in the ocean who possess their own little lights, and honestly conclude that this all came about WITHOUT some grand designer.

    Re-using your word, Stan... "Sheesh"!

  5. Dan, I've often wondered on what basis those who argue that it's all random assign value to anything. It is my suspicion that they do so ... at random. Okay, no, it is my suspicion that they assign value when it serves their interests.

    Sherry, That's what's so painful. IT seems so obvious ... but we're the irrational ones.

  6. Thanks for the clarification. I agree with you that I find MUCH design in intent in the beauty, simplicity AND complexity of Creation.

  7. :)

    Well, I liked it. And I got it. First time.

    Perhaps I have read your blog too often.

  8. Well, Von, if you liked it, apparently it's not "too often". :)


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