Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

It's Mother's Day and you know I have to introduce you to my mother. To be truthful, I'm not exactly sure how to do this. I just got done telling you that I'm not the writer I would like to be. Now I plan to tell you about my mom. You see, I'm not actually sure there are words to express the admiration and affection I have for my mom.

I've had a tough life. Unlike other kids, I had parents who loved me. They always tried to teach me what was right. They didn't abuse me. They intended my best. So while everyone else was complaining about their parents and struggling through tough home lives, I had nothing to say. How did I survive that?

I have already told you about my father, but when I was a kid, Dad was at work and Mom was the one who dealt with everything. She sat with me through measles, mumps, and rubella. I made sure to get chicken pox at the most inconvenient time ... when we were away at a family church camp. So while everyone else was off playing and going to hear speakers, Mom was sitting with me and my pox. You see, no matter what, Mom was a mother first.

I had a somewhat unusual relationship with my mom. I could ask her anything at all and she would tell me. I asked my mom the "sex questions" of a junior high boy and she never flinched. I always anticipated straightforward answers without the suggestion that I shouldn't be asking ... whatever. And she has always had the answers.

We've long since moved beyond childhood. Mom has been a "living Christian" for me. When you think "saint", you might think of "Saint Peter" or "Saint Augustine" or some other name. I think, "Mom." She has given her family a lifetime of exemplary living. From orthodoxy (right doctrine) to orthopraxy (right living), she has been the best guide in my life. And we still talk, but about better things than junior high issues. She is one of the very few who can carry on a discussion with me on all topics theological.

I love my dad. I think I've said that before. The truth is, however, my mom has been the largest influence on me. When other people meet her for the first time, they invariably come to me and say, "Oh, now I see what made you what you are." She has given me the best education, the best instruction in righteousness, the best living example of what "Christian" looks like. And, folks, I'm only scratching the surface.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom. And, dear Father, thanks so much for giving me my mother.

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