Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What Have You Done For Him Lately?

I believe in the Doctrine of Election. (Don't worry. This isn't a post about Election.) I believe that God chooses whom He will save and they will get saved. So, you may wonder why I bother with evangelism. If God is going to save whom He chooses, why bother? Well, first, I am commanded to share the Gospel. You know, "Because He said so." But behind that, God invites me to participate in what He is doing by sharing the Gospel. In evangelism, I get to take part with God in His work. So sharing the Gospel with people is working with God as He works. It's doing something "for God", so to speak.

I believe in prayer. I believe that prayer changes things. I do not believe that prayer changes God's mind. It seems fundamentally ludicrous to me to think that I can say, "God, please do this or that and it will make things better" and God would reply, "Oh, thanks, Stan! I hadn't thought of that. I'll do it your way because your way is better than what I had in mind!" So ... if God doesn't change His mind, why pray? Well, first, I am commanded to pray. You know, "Because He said so." But behind that, God invites me to participate in what He is doing by bringing my requests to Him and seeing Him answer them. In prayer, I get to take part with God in His work. So, praying is working with God as He works. It's doing something "for God", so to speak.

I like to teach the Bible. It's something that really fulfills me. Now, I believe that it is the Holy Spirit who leads us into all truth. So, if the Spirit is doing it, why do I bother? Well, I think you're beginning to see the pattern. Doing what God has given me to do, even though it is God doing it, is a chance to work with God in what He is doing. It's doing something "for God", so to speak.

Here's the thing that struck me recently. God says, "If I were hungry, I would not tell you, for the world and its fullness are mine" (Psa 50:12). (It's in that famous passage where God says He owns the cattle on a thousand hills.) Now, I understand that God is the one at work in me both to will and to do His good pleasure (Phil 2:13). I understand that God saves whom He will save, that He does what He will do, that He teaches whom He will teach. I get all that. So it's not as if God needs me to share in His work. I can participate with God as He works by sharing the Gospel, praying, teaching, or even obeying. Job points out "Is it any pleasure to the Almighty if you are in the right, or is it gain to Him if you make your ways blameless?" (Job 22:3). Jesus spoke of how a servant who does what he was supposed to do has simply done what he was supposed to do. It doesn't give him credit. "Does [the master] thank the servant because he did what was commanded? So you also, when you have done all that you were commanded, say, 'We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty'" (Luke 17:9-10). It is not need on God's part that causes Him to allow me to be a part of His work. It is not to our merit to take part in His work. It is pure grace.

What have I done for Him lately? The question is only on my side. God is not fidgeting in heaven thinking, "Oh, I hope someone helps me out with this or that. Oh, good! There's Stan pitching in to help me! How nice!" No, it is only on my side. Like a father who could do his own work on his own car, but graciously allows his young son to take part (even if it slows him down), God graciously allows me to take part just so I can be with Him as He works. So, doing "for God" is really intended simply as a blessing for me. What a gracious God we serve!

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