Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Solar Idea

I have an idea. Let's try it out for a moment. Maybe it's a good one.

Everyone knows, regardless of where you fall on the whole "global warming" thing, that it would be good to modify our energy sources. There are wind, hydro, solar, geothermal ... lots of options. Living here in the Arizona desert, I'm particularly aware of the solar option.

Now, folks like Senator Barbara Boxer are hard at work refusing to allow us to get California's oil and even California's solar power, despite being on the Environment and Public Works Committee and touting strong environmental concerns. "Not in my backyard" is her idea. You see, building solar systems large enough to make a difference would occupy a lot of desert, and she doesn't want to disturb the kangaroo rats (or whatever).

Okay, so here's what we know. We know that there is actually a limited part of the country that makes for good solar power. California's desert, Arizona, and New Mexico are really about it. And we know that solar power takes a lot of space to make a difference. Here's what else we know. Every business has parking associated with it. And it is hot parking here in Arizona's sun. So, here's my idea.

What if we started building solar panels in parking lots? Elevate them, of course, and put them in the rows of parking. They wouldn't disturb any animals, and they would provide much appreciated relief for people who park there. Larger businesses would have larger parking lots and provide larger solar arrays. If the businesses installed them, they could use the output to offset their energy expenses. If power companies put them in, they could "rent" the space at a small fee. Everyone gains. There are probably hundreds of square miles of parking lots in Arizona, more than enough to provide a large, clean power source for more than just Arizona. It would add shade, make parking more pleasant, lots of benefits.

I don't know. I'm sure there are a lot of considerations I'm not taking into account right now. But I think it could be a good idea. Maybe?


  1. I like it.

    Now all we need is some venture capital…

  2. Can't we just get, like, SRP or APS or ... wait ... the President to throw in some money for the idea?

  3. I've heard lots worse ideas from people who are paid to come up with them...

  4. I don't know ... I actually think it's a viable idea.

  5. I like it! Makes sense to me unless there is some "danger" of which I am unaware.

  6. Julianne, I actually saw a parking lot where they are experimenting with the idea. I would guess that there are no dangers of which we are unaware on this.


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