Friday, April 03, 2009

No Agenda

The headline reads, "Iowa Court Says Gay Marriage Ban Is Unconstitutional". The story says, "The decision was the culmination of a four-year legal battle ..." It goes on to point out, "A change in Iowa’s take on marriage, advocates for gay marriage said before Friday’s ruling, would signal a broader shift in public thinking, even in the nation’s more conservative middle." Iowa now joins two other states, -- Connecticut and Massachusetts -- in endorsing what is referred to with the oxymoronic term "gay marriage".

The next time you hear someone vehemently deny that there is any such thing as a "gay agenda", remember this. It was "the culmination of a four-year legal battle" aimed at making "a change in Iowa’s take on marriage" based on "a broader shift in public thinking". Remember, then, that this is not a plan, a goal, a "list of items to be attended to" (the dictionary definition of "agenda"). This kind of thing ... just happens ... right?

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