Saturday, March 28, 2009


We live in a noisy world. There are traffic noises and wind noises and airplane noises and the rushing sound of waves on the shore. There are tornadoes that sound like trains. (What did tornadoes sound like before there were trains?) There are natural noises and man-made noises. We live in a noisy world.

I suspect, if we were honest, most of us would have to admit that we like noise. I suspect this because when we have the option, we seem to choose noise. We can't do without the noise of the TV or the iPod or the radio or the stereo. We don't really seem to want silence. "Give me noise so I don't have to think."

Someone last week asked me a disturbing question: "What do you think about when you're not thinking about anything in particular?" The question was disturbing on two levels. On one level, it was disturbing to wonder whether or not my default thoughts were godly. On the other level, I had to admit that it seemed we go to great lengths not to not think about anything in particular. Instead, we prefer our flight from silence.

It would be nice of our "default" thoughts were about God or in prayer or something else of equal value. Perhaps, if we had to be thinking about ourselves, it could be judging ourselves rightly and seeking a renewed mind. But, I suspect that too often our thoughts when not intentionally aimed in the right direction drift definitely into the wrong direction. Oh well, I suppose it's just simpler to tune it all out. Let's see ... where are my headphones?

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