Thursday, February 05, 2009


Mark the day -- January 29, 2009. According to my records, on that day I posted my 1000th blog entry. I actually find that astounding. One thousand entries! And very, very few repeats.

I asked myself where it came from. I'm not actually much of a talker in person. Oh, I engage people in conversation, but I usually ask questions and let them answer because, well, people like to talk -- especially about themselves. A few years ago I took a business trip from California to Atlanta to Virginia and back again. On the trip out I met a nice young lady who was studying to become a detective in the LAPD. She had a brother in the military who was getting married and she was going back for his wedding. She wasn't married but had a boyfriend who might be serious. On the return trip I talked with a fellow who told me about every job he had ever had, how much he enjoyed living in Virginia, and why his last three marriages failed. Then there was the young lady feverishly trying to get back to California from South Africa where she had been teaching, studying, and working ... and all the interesting information that went along with that. Me? Well, they didn't learn a whole lot about me at all. I doubt that any one of them would remember a thing about me. I just like finding out about people and they like letting me.

As a result, there aren't too many outlets for me. A friend and I used to take breaks at work and discuss all manner of things from personal to peripheral. He stayed in California, of course, and I live in Arizona, so those discussions are at a minimum. A guy with whom I went to church -- an engineer -- once asked me, "How do you find time to think about all those things?" I was confused by the question because I'm always thinking about all those things.

All this in reflection of my 1000th blog entry. You see, I'm just putting down in "hard copy" so to speak the things I think about all the time. I read something and it made me think. I saw a verse and it got me to wondering. I talked to someone and considered the conversation afterward. But who is going to hear all this? How am I going to express it? Well, welcome to my blog. It is my heartfelt hope that some of the things I think about might be of some benefit to you, the reader. If not ... I will still continue to think about it.


  1. Congratulations, you are very prolific -- and good!

  2. Congratulations Stan! What a milestone.

  3. You guys say "Congratulations!" and I'm thinking, "Sheesh! What a chatter box!" :)


We're always happy to have a friendly discussion with you readers. "Friendly" is the key word here. If it gets too heated or abusive, I'll have to block the comment. Let's keep it friendly, okay?