Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving, 2008

Well, of course, it's Thanksgiving Day, so it would be appropriate for me to list some things for which I'm grateful. In the interest of space, I plan to keep it short. That means that there is a lot more for which I'm grateful than what I'm listing here. This, then, will just be some of the highlights.

I am, of course, first and foremost grateful for my Lord. To be one called out of darkness, forgiven, loved, treasured, among the saints, blessed with every heavenly blessings is more than I can fathom. I didn't do it. I didn't earn it. I didn't merit it. Well, frankly, words elude me at how big and amazing the whole thing is. And to be an adopted son of the Most High, the Sovereign Lord, in a world that is constantly changing and constantly challenging is a comfort I cannot express.

I'm grateful for family. For me, that alone is a lot for which to be thankful. I have a wonderful wife whom I dearly love and greatly appreciate. I have four great kids, of whom I am very proud. I have three grandchildren who, being grandchildren, are just a joy. I have a brother and sisters whom I love. I even love their spouses. I have nieces and nephews who are dear to me. My parents are a real treasure. I know ... a rarity these days, but I'm blessed to have unbelievably great parents. Then there is the extended family. On my father's side alone there are, in round numbers, over 150 relatives. I'm gratified to be part of such a big family.

I'm grateful for my country. There are lots of complaints about my country, but I'm convinced it is the best one. As an example, how many others have people willing to risk life, limb, and arrest to get in? We recently had a hotly fought election, but the transition from one leader to another is smooth and without bloodshed. Just two examples that demonstrate what a wonderful country in which I live, and I'm thankful.

I have a good job that I enjoy. I have a house that I enjoy. I have my health. I have the things I need like food, shelter, clothing, transportation, etc. Mine is a good life and to complain about it would be foolish. I am a contented fellow.

Oh, there is so much more. I am grateful for the hard times I've faced in recent times. Lost loved ones, health challenges, long work hours, and other things have tested me. Still, my Lord has been faithful and I've come through time and again the better person for it all. I've so many blessings that I can't really count them all. Yes, it is Thanksgiving Day, and I'm grateful to God for the many things He has bestowed. For each day that follows, I hope to grow in gratitude and contentment because God has been very, very good to me.

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