Friday, October 24, 2008

Jesus Doeth All Things Well

God has a variety of ways that he dealt with the needs of His people.

Take, for instance, the hemorrhagic woman. All she did was touch the hem of Jesus's garment. Without any apparent conscious effort on His part, she was healed. Then there was the man born blind. He corrected His disciples misconception. "Was he born blind because his parents were sinful or because he was sinful?" "Neither. He was born blind to the glory of God." And He healed the man on the spot. When Elijah needed sustenance, God provided daily food deliveries by birds. When that ran out, He provided just what Elijah, the widow, and her son needed to eat every day. Just enough.

Then there was the feeding of the 5,000. The disciples came to Jesus with a problem. "Send them away. They need to eat and we can't feed them." His remedy? "You feed them." "We can't!" they protested. "What do you have?" He asked. A boy's lunch ... that was all. So He blessed it and handed it to them ... and they had 12 baskets left over.

Most of my life has been the latter. I can't recall an instantaneous healing or a "miraculous" remedy. Instead, it has seemed, all my life, that Jesus has said, "You handle it." And when I've complained, "I can't!", He's simply taken what I had and used it to just get me through ... always, it seems, with a little extra left over.

It's not the most comfortable place to be ... always trying to solve seemingly impossible problems with inadequate means. On the other hand, I know, like the hymnist, that "whate'er befalls me Jesus doeth all things well." I guess I need to keep that in mind a lot.

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