Friday, October 17, 2008

Are We There Yet?

You'd think that if they can put a man on the moon, they could give me a device that would block politics from my home.

We here in Arizona have this really cool option of "vote by mail." In my case that means that I've already voted. Play your games. Throw your parties. Cast your aspersions. It doesn't matter. I've already voted. Except ... I still have to sit through all this interruption to life. I get phone calls from folks trying to convince me to vote their way. My TV shows get interrupted or canceled so they can bring to me, live, a debate between people about whom I've already made my choices. My mailbox is stuffed with junk mail from candidates and anti-candidates. I have voted and none of that matters anymore. You'd think that if they can put a man on the moon, they could give me a device that would block politics from my home.

Here's what I would like. I'd like a device that, when activated by early voting (or maybe apathy), my TV wouldn't show the debates between candidates. Instead, I'd get normal programming. Commercials for candidates and issues would be replaced with normal commercials or, better yet, no commercial at all! My phone would be fitted with a similar device that would simply reject phone calls regarding the political stuff. The mailman would get a notice not to put all that political stuff in my mailbox. Life would be ... smooth.

I'm already tired of the stuff. It sounds like two children bickering on the playground. "I voted for tax breaks." "Oh, yeah, well I voted for more tax breaks." "Uh-uh! Liar, liar, pants on fire! You voted for more taxes!" "Don't make me come over there and slap your momma." "Don't be talking about my momma. Families shouldn't be part of this." "Oh, yeah, then how come your momma wears combat boots she got in Iraq?" "Now you're going too far! Besides, you're not qualified to talk about my momma in Iraq." I want to put my hands over my ears. "Kids! Cut it out or I'm going to throw you both out of this car!" But, like a family on a car trip, I don't get the option of throwing these bickering children out of my car. They're occupying the airwaves and my answering machine and my mailbox and I don't care because I've already voted.

You'd think that if they can put a man on the moon, they could give me a device that would block politics from my home.


  1. DVR for the TV; Caller ID for the phone.

    The Mail has me stumped. I thought of rain, sleet and gloom of night—but apparently those don’t stop the mail, either.

  2. Sigh. Thanks for the suggestions. My mailbox is still stuffed with ... junk. And I'm afraid that "rain, sleet, and gloom of night" were intended to suggest "nothing at all can stop us."


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