Sunday, August 03, 2008

In This You Rejoice

I'm in 1 Peter these days. I can tell that Peter is not going to be a popular book to discuss with people. There are all sorts of early clues, but one alarming passage is here:
In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith -- more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire -- may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:6-7).
First alarm: "Trials." We're not too keen on the idea of trials. There are those who would argue that God never wants us to suffer. Pain is bad. Any pain is not from God. No way, no how. Not true. Did you get that? Not true.

Second alarm: "If necessary." If you go through trials, understand this -- it is necessary. It isn't optional. It's isn't a fluke. It isn't avoidable. It is necessary. Not my words ... God's words. Trials are necessary to God's people.

Third alarm: "The tested genuineness of your faith." Others put it this way: "the testing of your faith." Did you know that your faith may be false? It may be "dead" (James 2:17). It may be misplaced. It may be cold. The testing, you understand, isn't for God's sake. He knows. It's for yours. Therefore, when you undergo trials, it is for the testing of your faith which you require. "How did I do?" It's a fair question to ask yourself. If you collapsed in the test ... check your faith.

Now, it's not all alarmist theology. There is an up-side, so to speak. (If you're reading this carefully, it's all up-side, but ...) The up-side is that faith, properly tried and purified and confirmed, offers a reward "more precious than gold", the praise and glory and honor that will be given to you at the appearing of Christ, that glorious "Well done, good and faithful servant" that we long to hear from our Lord and Master.

If you're going through trial today, remember to say "Thanks" to the One who gives what you need ... including that trial.

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