Sunday, August 17, 2008

Crossword Wisdom

The other day I was looking at a crossword puzzle. They're good for exercising the mind, they tell me, so I try to do one once in awhile. There was a clue for a three-letter word that caught my eye: "Qualify for repentance." I have to admit, I was puzzled. I didn't get that word until I filled in the first letter on the cross word -- "S". Oh, yeah. You qualify for repentance when you sin. Until you sin, you do not qualify for repentance.

Why don't good people need a savior? They don't qualify. I do.

1 comment:

  1. Good crossword puzzle writer. Usually crossword doctrinal hints leave me scratching my head. Repentance literally means "to re-think" (such details come from teaching Bible to teens). All people's thoughts are infected by sin, so all qualify for re-thinking except for those who think they don't need it: i.e. the fools.


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