Sunday, July 20, 2008

I Will Praise Thee

Psalm 139:14 starts out with that phrase: "I will praise Thee." What is it that has David's attention? "I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Thy works." Feel free to examine any other translation. They all say the same basic thing. We are, indeed, wonderfully made, and, for the most part, we aren't even aware of it.

Medical science can tell you a lot of the ins and outs of your construction. They can tell you about your eyes, how they're comprised of lenses and sensors and how the brain receives this information and interprets it as real-time vision. They can tell you about your circulatory system complete with self-regulating pumping heart, self-regulating breathing lungs, and the blood with its vast cardiovascular system, nutrients, oxygen, and other life-essential components. They can tell you about muscles and how they work. They can tell you about your skeletal system and its necessary role in the body. They can tell you about your brain ... well, some things. That is quite a bit more complicated than they can currently figure out.

I mean no disrespect to science. Despite our vast amount of information and our advanced methods of measurement and analysis, there is still just too much going on in the body to actually understand it. We have made great strides in some areas, but we're still unclear. That's because we are fearfully and wonderfully made. That's because our Designer is so vastly beyond His design. What happens when hormones are unbalanced? What happens when genes shift? Where in the brain is the memory? How do we access it? What causes those occasional malfunctions? How does the body repair itself? We have some answers, but not all. That's because we are fearfully and wonderfully made.

So, here's what I suggest. If you have a body and you know the One who made it, regardless of its current condition, how about if you spend time today joining with David? "I will praise Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Thy works." It is a magnificent place to be.

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