Sunday, May 04, 2008


Yesterday I got to celebrate the graduation from college of one of my sons. It was a joyous occasion with family and family-to-be (he's engaged to be married next month) and friends around to honor the event. The day marked a turning point in the boy's life from student to citizen, from school to work, in a sense from child to adulthood.

Of course, the man that graduated from college yesterday was not remarkably different from the boy that started college 4 years ago. He looks pretty much the same. He has the same personality. He has more skills and more information and more education and, of course, a bachelor of science degree that he didn't have before, but he is pretty much the same guy. Still, it was a turning point, an emergence, a new day.

I see the same thing in our lives. We come to Christ and it is indeed a new day. It is a new birth, a new life. "Old things are passed away; behold, all things have become new" (2 Cor. 5:17). And still, in the time that follows this momentous occasion, it often looks like we're just the same. Oh, sometimes there are big changes. Usually, however, it's not quite as clear. There are big changes; they're just not quite as obvious as one my think or hope.

As you face your day today, think about how you are reflecting the new person you have become. Think about how you are reflecting the character of Christ. Think about the new man, the new self that God is forming in you and seek to better display the good character that is in line with the new nature you've been given. Today is a good day for that, starting with a sublime focus on God rather than the very human self-centeredness. Graduation day for Christians comes at the new birth. Now is the time for new life.

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