Thursday, April 17, 2008

I Wonder

I wonder how birds manage to find seed, even the stuff that spilled a little far from the feeder.

I wonder how light striking my eye ends up in an image that I can interpret.

I wonder why animals such as my cat don't seem to mind the heat in the summer even though they're wearing fur coats.

I wonder about the balance between sheltering children against false ideas and teaching them how to deal with them.

I wonder why, no matter how often answers are given, the same questions are asked.

I wonder how many real Christians are in America and how many are just walking through the paces because that's what they were told was right.

I wonder how many people got small doses of Christianity early on, generally a weakened strain, and were inoculated against actually contracting the condition.

I wonder why people that believe that human Free Will determines who gets saved pray, "Lord, bring them to You!"

I wonder, given the successive generations I've observed in my lifetime, what my grandchildren's children will accept as normal when God calls it sin.

I wonder how long God can tolerate evil in this country.

I wonder why I still do stupid things ... you know, like sin.

I wonder how my kids are ... every day ... even though they're all adults.

I wonder how I can make my wife happy ... even though I know that no person can make another person happy.

I wonder why I wonder about inane things like doing the impossible (like making my wife happy).

Oh, there is so much I wonder about. Isn't life wonder-full?

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