Monday, March 31, 2008

A Plea to Women

Ladies, I'm writing this to you as a plea. I'm begging. I know you don't often hear a guy beg a woman -- we're much too macho for that -- but I'm begging. We men desperately need your help. We have some "design flaws", some gaps, some rough spots that we cannot seem to overcome. Oh, I suppose "flaw" isn't the right word. We were specifically designed this way by our Maker. So it appears that we have some parts, behaviors, tendencies built in that God intended to be matched, altered, and modified by women. And, ladies, we men are in desperate need of your help to do that.

What I'm asking for isn't an easy thing. It's frankly very difficult. Sometimes it will appear impossible. I am certain, however, that it will alter male behavior for the good and provide you with satisfaction, security, and a sense of well-being you hadn't anticipated.

You see, you have within yourself the capacity to make a radical change in the world. This is, as you might guess, somewhat rare. Most people don't have the ability to change the world. You do. Perhaps one of you can only change your world, but it would be no small change. And it cannot help but have a ripple effect. Others will see it and want it. Two of you doing this task can multiply the effect. The more that do it, the more massive the effect becomes. But it doesn't result in a simple "make my life better" in any case. It has far-reaching effects in your life as well as the lives of your children, your family, your marriage, your husband, even in his life away from home. It is a very rare power you possess and I am begging you to make use of it.

What is this power? It will sound strange, I suppose, even unnatural to some, but it is irrefutable. It may sound like nonsense, perhaps unwarranted, maybe even unwise. But it is a phenomenal power. Here it is: Wives, respect your husbands.

"Oh, that garbage," some of you might say. "Yeah, yeah, we've heard that from you guys for too long." Maybe ... but I'm not the one who said it. It's God's command: "Let the wife see to it that she respect her husband" (Eph. 5:33). Unless you want to suggest that the God we serve is a sexist, maybe we can drop that objection. I'm quite sure, however, that the other one is just at the tip of some tongues. "Respect must be earned!" Very popular line. Very popular feeling. And, if it is true, we have to conclude that for God to command it makes God a very unfair, unreasonable being. You can't command something if they haven't earned it. It's not right! Or is it? In 1 Peter 3 this same respect is called for "even if any of them are disobedient to the word" (1 Peter 3:1). Lousy husbands, according to God, still must be respected. It's a command from God.

But listen, ladies, I'm not begging for this because it's simply a command. I'm not begging for this simply because God says it and you must do it. Frankly, stated that way, that should be enough. But I'm not stopping there. I'm begging for it because of the benefits it provides for both us guys and you women. The effect of this type of behavior from a wife is truly phenomenal. Now, I know ... you don't get us men. We're a mystery. But let me clue you in -- a woman that shows us respect ... you have no idea what that does to a guy.

A man who has a wife who accepts and admires him unconditionally is a man who knows few limits. A man who has a wife who esteems him, who simply considers him a valuable person, is a man who is satisfied. This man would find adultery repulsive. He would find time with his wife to be a joy and doing things for his wife a pleasure. It's not necessary to nag this guy; he has a wife who is grateful for what he does for her. Seriously, do you know a guy who won't perform above and beyond when he is being cheered on by an adoring fan? I don't think women realize what happens to a man when a wife asks, "What do you think this passage of Scripture means?" and actually wants to know. I don't think a wife understands the effect on a husband when she says, "Why don't you go the way you think is best? I trust your driving." Women don't really comprehend the wonderful effect on a guy when she expects the best out of him and respects him.

Men aren't looking for doormats. They are in desperate need for respect. Some go seriously wrong in their search for it. Others simply stop looking. Most are someplace in between. But let me tell you, ladies, if you would simply do what God asks -- and I know that's not an easy thing to do -- and respect your husbands, there would be radical changes occurring. So I'm begging you. It's in your best interest. It's certainly in our best interest. It's in the best interest of your family. And it's in the best interest of our culture and society. You, women, hold this power and this key. Respect your husbands, and you have the potential to make big changes in all sorts of areas in life. How about it? Take a chance on God's command. Maybe He knew what He was saying.


  1. I had to watch one of those "wife swap reality" shows at the Gymn one day and I was shocked at how intolerable the wives were. One of them boasted about how much of a b*&ch she was. Then it dawned on me that I see that everywhere. Granted, men are bad too, but when did being a harridan become chic? Good post.

  2. "Chic" today is defined as "whatever I want it to be" with "whatever makes me feel good" as the ultimate goal and ultimate good in society.

    (For those readers without Jim's fine vocabulary, a "harridan" is a shrew, a contentious woman.)

  3. There are more and more women today that are striving to be godly women.

    Takes time :)


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