Friday, March 07, 2008

Love to Hate

I came across a website devoted to hating Rachel Ray. That's it. Everything Rachel is everything hated. She's a TV cook, and someone is dedicating time and effort to hating her. It's not hard to find websites devoted to anti-Christianity. Whatever Christians believe will be the topic of how stupid Christians and Christianity are. No rational human being can believe in Christianity. There are websites devoted to hating homosexuals and hating black people and hating Jews and ... just about everything you can imagine.

I shouldn't be surprised, I suppose, when I come across Christian blog devoted to telling us everything that they hate about Dr. Al Mohler. The Southern Baptist Convention has had to make efforts to silence several blogs complaining about the SBC. I know of one blog that is dedicated to telling its readers (which are international, by nature of the Internet) what is wrong with a single church in southern California. Day to day gossip and complaints here are considered valid fodder for posting, all in the name of "tattling" (their word) on the evils of this church.

I'm not the least bit surprised that the world hates. I'm not the least bit caught off guard that the world hates Christians. And, to be fair, I'm not surprised that Christians hate. It's just disheartening when they decide to air their complaints out there for everyone to see. They speak self-righteously about how evil their pet project is and lace their "true reports" with anger, bitterness, and sarcasm. I think, "Is this trip really necessary?"

I wonder ... where, exactly, will I find a biblical support for this? Where do I find Scripture that will prosecute the crimes of those I dislike while excusing my own anger and bitterness? I'm thinking that if all I intend to do is tell the truth about what my pet peeves are doing, I can sin all I want ... right? Maybe not. I'm thinking that I need to guard my own heart and mind ... you know, take the log out of my own eye ... before I practice the very fine art of speaking the truth in love.

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