Sunday, March 23, 2008

If I was the only one

Something Joni Eareckson Tada said during the conference has stuck with me for several days now. She told of the kind hearted pastor who told her when she was a young person, "If you were the only person on earth, God would have sent His Son to save you."

We've all heard that, I suppose. I know I have. And I get the sentiment that is supposed to come across there. "God loves you so much! You're so special!" I won't try to debate the truth of the statement or the sentiment. I'd be arguing in a vacuum, just as the statement does. But Joni pointed out a very important truth in the statement. One perspective says, "You're so special to God that He would have sent His Son just for you." The other says, "Your sin alone is so heinous that it, all by itself, would have required the death of the Son of God to remedy."

Something to think about as we celebrate His death and resurrection on our behalf.

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