Friday, March 14, 2008

Evangelism According to Jesus - Thursday

The two speakers for Thursday evening were Steven J. Lawson and John MacArthur.

Dr. Lawson spoke on The Saving Power of God. He chose as his text Rom. 1:1-17. Dr. Lawson is an expositor. He preaches the passage and, oh, by the way, if he covers the topic, so much the better. He covered his topic and much more.

1. The Source of the Gospel
The gospel is God's gospel (1:1). He originated it. He owns it. It is, therefore, authoritative, gracious, powerful. And we must not tinker with it.

2. The Stability of the Gospel
The gospel has been from the beginning (1:2). There has been only one (Gen. 3:15).

3. The Subject of the Gospel
The sole subject is His Son (1:3-4), the Man (1:3) and God (1:4) (both of which are necessary if He is to mediate between Man and God). Jesus died and resurrected (1:4). He is the sole source of grace (1:5).

4. The Success of the Gospel
The gospel cannot fail because of God's effectual calling (1:6-7).

5. The Service of the Gospel
Those who receive the gospel want to serve, to share it with others (1:8-9, 14-15).

6. The Strength of the Gospel
The gospel is the power of God to save (1:16) from God's wrath (1:18).

7. The Scope of the Gospel
The gospel is for everyone (1:16).

8. The Substance of the Gospel
The primary concept is God's righteousness applied to us (1:16).

9. The Simplicity of the Gospel
The gospel is simple: Faith. Faith from start to finish, the sole means by which God applies His righteousness to us.

John MacArthur spoke on "Who is Jesus?" He chose as his text Luke 20:41-21:6.

In Luke 20:41-44 Jesus gives His last invitation. He asks the Jews about the prophecy concerning the Messiah being David's son. The clear concept is that the Messiah must be both Man and God. The partial understanding of the Pharisees was insufficient ... and therefore inadequate.

Jesus goes on to pronounce judgment on the Jewish system. Since it is corrupt and inadequate, it is to be destroyed.

MacArthur's primary point was that Jesus was God and Man. You can't have a "part right" Jesus on which to believe for the Gospel.

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