Friday, March 28, 2008

Confusing Facts

There you have it. Is a transgender really transgender or is he/she still the original gender.

There is a news item from the London Telegraph about a couple in Oregon. The wife had previously undergone a hysterectomy, so she was unable to have children. So when she married her "husband" and decided they wanted children, the best option they came up with was to have "him" carry the baby.

"What??!!" you're surely asking. Yes, that's the story. You see, "he" is a transgender male. He was born a female. Feeling like she should have been a male, she underwent medical treatments to make her more "male". She had her breasts removed and took hormone therapy to make her more male. (She did not make any changes to her reproductive organs.) Then, as a "man", she married her wife. Now "he" has been artificially inseminated and is carrying a baby due to be born July 2.

Does anyone find this confusing? I know I do. Apparently "male" and "female" is defined simply as "whatever I feel like." It is not defined medically as "the gender your organs make you" or "the chromosomes you carry". It is simply defined as "how I feel." If you feel like you're male, you are male, and if you feel like you're female, you're female. Your body type, reproductive systems, hormone production, and all are simply ... wrong.

Of course, this is working out just about everywhere you look. Are we in a recession or are we not? Well, it all depends on how you feel. Are we at risk from terrorists or are we not? That depends on how you feel. Is there truth to the claims of Christ or is there not? If you feel like there is, there is; otherwise, of course not. Is marriage between a man and a woman, or is it between whomever wishes to call it "marriage"? Go with your feelings on that.

Slowly, but with gathering momentum, we are stripping out everything that has any meaning. When we get to the point that we cannot reasonably define "male" and "female" I think it's pretty clear that we cannot define much of anything. A rock is only a rock as long as you feel like it is. It could be a flower if you feel that way. I once raised a rabbit with my cats. It acted like a cat. It ate cat food and used the cat box. It felt like a cat. I guess it was a cat. Truth has no meaning when it is felt rather than reality. And all reality is being defined by our emotions. Talk about building a house on sand. Personally, I think I should be declared Emperor of America so I can clear all this up ... because I feel like it.


  1. Oy. It gives me a headache. But I agree, you SHOULD be declared Emperor of America. Then we could finally be rid of the talking heads during the election cycle! ;P ~10km

  2. Watch it ... I might just have to appoint you to Chief Talking Head.

  3. I wouldn't necessarily call it "confusing." I will however say that it is bizzare and ought not be.

    I can see the situation arising because there is a difference between sex and gender. Sex (male/female/hermaphrodite) refers to your physical and/or genetic sexual structure, whereas gender (man/woman/transgender) is a role that varies from society to society. Therefore, like any role, you can assume it and "role play" so to speak.

    We all play roles out, but the problem arises when we think that we can play any role we wish. I can't change that I'm a brother or a son. I can't assume the role of God. I can lay down my role as a student, worker, or fiance (not husband when I get there), however.

    I think the breakdown comes in dividing a sex from its associated gender role; Not making a differentiation between the two. After all, Paul did say that the effiminate will not inherit the kingdom of God.

  4. I agree with you, Stan. People are trying to be guided by the world of their imagination. And it always ends up, like this news story,..quite ridiculous. "He" can call himself a man but he is a woman, which is why he can have the baby.

    That he is a "man having a baby" is not the case. It's a fantasy.

  5. In California, they have passed a law that allows males and females that feel that they are the opposite gender to enter the restroom of their "felt" gender, no matter their physical make up. This is of course causing problems, since human hearts are deceitful and one person that believes they are what they aren't can't be distinguished from a pervert.


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