Thursday, January 03, 2008

Stand for Change

"Stand for Change." That's what the sign says at Obama's rally. Hillary is pounding the same pavement. "Change." Almost all the Democrats running for President are calling for the same thing: "Change!"

You see, sometimes I think I'm just too easily confused. "Change" is the buzz word. So here we have a raft of candidates stumping for "change". The candidates include Senator Hillary Clinton, Senator Barack Obama, Senator Joe Biden, former Senator John Edwards, former Senator Chris Dodd, former Senator Mike Gravel, and Congressman Dennis Kucinich. All of the candidates on the Democrat side are or were part of the established government.

Now, unless something has changed and no one told me, George Bush is not running for a third term. No one on either side of the fence is running against the incumbent president. Further, as far as I can tell, no Republican (or any other type) candidate is claiming to be George Bush or a George Bush type. That means that whoever gets the office of President will constitute "change".

So I'm confused. What are all these candidates who are calling for change actually saying? It appears that Congress in the last couple of years has been under Democrat rule and hasn't accomplished anything worth noting. We aren't impressed with them. There aren't many impressed with the office of President either. So the "change" that is being called for, it seems to me, would exclude any candidate who is currently holding or previously held a role in the Congress. If not, then the concept of "change" would mean "business as usual", wouldn't it? And that, of course, is a contradiction in terms.

See? It is just too easy to confuse me sometimes. My wife says I listen too closely and think too much. Maybe that's my problem. I don't know ...

Hey, I know ... maybe they're offering us some "change" back on the money we spend in taxes? No, that can't be it. They all want more of our money, not to return it. Nope ... I'm not getting it.

Good luck, Iowa. You get to try to make sense of all this today.

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