Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

I'm grateful.

I'm grateful for family. The more I know about "normal" families, the more stunned I am at how good God was to me in giving me my family. I have marvelous parents, great siblings, a wonderful wife, and great kids. I even have remarkably good in-laws. I'm grateful for family.

I'm grateful for my health and life. I have a good job doing work I like making enough money to support my family and good benefits to take care of what I need to take care of. I remain healthy, rarely getting sick or suffering from physical ailments. I'm grateful for my health and life.

Years ago I asked my kids (when they were kids) what they were grateful for, and one gave the "naive" answer, "I'm thankful for God." I smiled and nodded and went on, amused, but the more I thought about it the more impressed I was with the answer. My relationship with God informs every aspect of my life. It makes tough times purposeful and joyful. It gives direction to life. It provides strength in struggles, purpose in life, and humility in high points. It provides motivation in doing my job, reasons to love my wife, direction and support as a father, even instruction on how to be a citizen.

My son was young and somewhat simplistic when he told me he was grateful for God. I have a whole lot for which to be grateful. I have family, health, life, salvation, on and on and on. All of it, however, is a gift from God. I am grateful to God for all of it. I am grateful for God for the benefits He provides and the God that He is.

His mercies are new every morning.

Count your many blessings.

Here's hoping you have a happy Thanksgiving.

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