Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Supporting a Third Party

Some Christian conservatives have laid down the gauntlet on the upcoming presidential election. If the choice comes down to pro-choice Clinton versus pro-choice Giuliani, they're going to bail out. Some are concerned that they'll just sit this one out. The more common suggestion is that they will support a third-party candidate.

The accusation -- from both conservatives and liberals -- is that these folks are "single-issue voters." I would have to confess that likely in many of these cases this is true. The issue of abortion is a deal breaker. And I am one that would have a hard time (read "nearly impossible") voting for a pro-choice candidate despite the alternatives. I am not, however, a single-issue voter. Let me explain.

Meet Tim. Tim is a fictitious wannabe candidate for the presidency. Tim is an excellent candidate. He supports everything you support. He is opposed to everything you oppose. What a guy! Oh, one little thing ... Tim is a drunk. Tim is, in fact, always drunk. He may do outrageous things when he is drunk, as drunks are prone to do. He may just pass out. But, hey! Let's not dwell on that! Tim is an excellent candidate!

Is he? If you chose not to vote for Tim because he was always drunk, would you be a "single-issue voter"? I don't think so. You see, Tim's drinking would have large ramifications. He couldn't be relied on to run a country. He doesn't have the self-control required. He would be signing or vetoing bills under the influence, and who knows what he'd do in that situation? He could easily be passed out when he is needed in a crisis. He would be an unacceptable representative of our country to the world. That kind of a problem provides many reasons not to vote for Tim.

The same is true in my mind with the topic of abortion. The primary role of government is to protect its people. If a person who is trying to occupy the highest office of the land refuses to protect the most vulnerable, the unborn, then on what basis would I think that he/she would do the job in other applications? If murdering babies is acceptable, what other acceptable atrocities would he/she allow? If the person that I am considering for office doesn't care about protecting, why would I think that he would care about other humans? And the questions just keep coming.

Maybe I am a single-issue voter. I want to elect someone to the presidency who will do the job. Someone who doesn't care about doing the job at the outset is not someone that I think I should vote for. Perhaps it's a single issue, but it's not as small as "the abortion issue". It's a matter of doing the job that government is supposed to do.


  1. The biggest reason I can't vote for Giuliani is because of his pro-choice platform. But that is because he publicly admitted that he is personally against abortion, and that if his children decided to abort he would do everything he could to try to stop them, but he won't let that effect the way he runs the country. I want a president that will use his beliefs to affect his decision making. If he only chooses policy based on what the louder voices wants, how can he be trusted to do the right thing at difficult times.

  2. Maybe I am a single-issue voter

    People forget how great Adolf Hitler was on all the issues except for his killing the Jews program. But, setting that one issue aside, he was an economic miracle worker, a uniter, a man of the people. Imagine taking Germany from bankruptcy in the 1920s to world dominance by the late 30s. He was an awesome candidate.....otherwise.

    That said, I got 15 minutes into Sean Hannity's softball (nerfball?) interview of Rudy and this decade's Mrs. G before turning the TV off. Hannity is the quintessential County Fair Clown. Anybody with an "R" behind his name is his game, his alpha and omega. He did the same thing with Schwarzenegger's rise to governor.

    If it is Hillary vs. Giuliani on Election Day 2008, I will not vote for either.

  3. Thanks, Jim. I doubt you and I will get much support for this position, since in American politics winning is everything. Good thing I believe in a sovereign God, eh?


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