Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Nazi - Navy - Get it?

Oh, sure, the Navy wants you to believe it's just an unfortunate accident. They want you to believe it was entirely innocent. It's pure coincidence that the building is unmistakably in the shape of a swastika.

There is no getting around it. And if it's just an accident, then why, on the same base, is the SS noted in building form, eh?

Indeed, you can also find a replica of the classic iron cross on the very same base.

So ... who is kidding whom?

(Please, dear Father, deliver us from conspiracy geeks with computers!)


  1. Ya gotta wonder what was going through the architect's head...

    Probably not what the complex would look like from above. The vast majority of people seeing it would do so from ground level.

    Now, the Hindus might actually be flattered by this. The swastika remains a sacred symbol in much of the East. And, if memory serves, it has also shown up in some Native American art. Still hard to divorce from the more recent Nazi associations, however.

    The really sad part is that another $600,000 of taxpayer money is being applied to "fix" this architectural gaffe.

  2. Based on what I read, the architect actually had thought about what it would look like from the air; he just didn't care.

    You're right, too, in pointing out the long history of the symbol as a sign of well-being before the Nazi's subverted it.

    Still, given the current climate in government and the perception of society, I suppose $600,000 is cheap considered what it might have cost to replace the building. I wonder if we shouldn't charge the architect?

    By the way, I've added your blog to the list I'll be reading. Nice to meet you ... so to speak.

  3. By the way, I've added your blog to the list I'll be reading.

    Thank you. The honor is mine.

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