Tuesday, September 04, 2007

To Be Good or Not to Be

We know how it goes in the public square these days. Urge chastity and you're narrow-minded and short-sighted. Suggest individual integrity and you're preachy. Call for personal responsibility and you're judgmental and intolerant. Tell people that it is possible for one religion to be true and all others false and you're arrogant. Even hint that it's better to teach people to do work rather than allow them to live off welfare and you're a right winger ... and that's not good.

Sure, Christians call for all sorts of unpopular things. Well, truth be told, we simply call for whatever we are told to call for by the One we follow. Still, when we say that sex is to be within marriage only, we're not well-accepted and when we say that people need to have integrity -- to be honest and forthright and responsible and reliable -- we're being unrealistic and overbearing. We say that it is the duty of society to protect the weaker members of society -- which includes the unborn -- and we're pushy. It's not pleasant to be part of the "religious right wing", as we are inevitably labeled for such standards.

It's a funny thing, though. You aren't supposed to call for these things, but people sure want them. Men prefer to marry virgins rather than well-used women. Employers will hire and retain people with integrity, but don't much care to keep around people who can't be trusted. My youngest son, when he was just 16, worked at a Fatburger. He simply showed up on time and did his work, and he stood out among the other workers so well that by the time he was 18 he was the manager of the store. It wasn't vast skill; it was personal integrity. People respect folks who are confident about what they believe and question those who can't make up their minds. In short, while we aren't well received for suggesting moral behavior, it seems that the people around us really appreciate good behavior and want it around them.

I don't anticipate I'll preach people into being better behaved. I don't expect that I can nag them into being nicer people. So here's my goal: I'll let my light so shine before men that they can see my good works and glorify God. I know. Not an original goal. But it will do.

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