Friday, August 24, 2007

Pray for Alicia

Meet Alicia. She's 25 years old and lives in the east part of the state of Washington. When Alicia was 4 weeks old, she was diagnosed with AML Leukemia, a fast-growing cancer of the blood and bone marrow that disables the ability to fight infections. The doctors said she wouldn't live past the age of 2. The doctors were wrong. Undergoing various treatments, remissions, and relapses, she has not only survived all this time -- she has thrived. She loves the Lord and is part of a family that loves the Lord.

Some 5 years ago she complained of chest pains and breathing difficulty. She was diagnosed with fibrosis in the lungs caused by the chemotherapy she endured as a child. Her lungs have deteriorated ever since. Her lung capacity is dropping and she is in desperate need of a double lung transplant. Unfortunately, when the doctors determined she needed the transplant, she weighed only 72 pounds. She needed to be above 90 pounds to survive the surgery. Through prayer, medications that increase hunger, physical therapy, and a lot of eating, she has reached 108 pounds. She is ready for the transplant.

A month ago they got the call. A donor pair of lungs was available. The family made a hurried and excited trip across the state to Seattle. Alicia was prepped for surgery and waiting when the doctor received word on his way to the operating room that the lungs were not viable. Surgery was put on hold as they returned in tears to wait again.

Currently Alicia's lung capacity is 14%. Her doctor is astounded. He said, "I have seen thousands of patients with lung disease and at 14% you should not be able to do anything, you shouldn't even be able to hardly function but here you are looking real strong and healthy, I just don't understand what's going on." She attributes her strength to a family that loves her and a God that sustains her.

The family needs your prayers. I know the family. Not only are they trusting God to provide, but they are expecting Him to do what is best. And, of course, Alicia needs your prayers. She needs lungs. She needs comfort. She needs strength. Alicia is a woman of rare qualities. She has joy where most would fold up and surrender. She has faith where most would question God. She is a lovely woman, but her greatest beauty is an inner spirit that spreads on to all around her. I would covet your prayers for these dear people who are trusting God to provide for them and for this dear woman who is resting in the hands of the Creator of the Universe.

1 comment:

  1. Stan,

    One can not read this story without weeping ... some tears of sorrow, but more importantly tears of joy at what the Lord has done and WILL do for this dear daughter of His. Yes I will pray for Alicia and pass her story along to the prayer warriors I know.



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