Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Great Sir Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton. He is regarded as one of the the greatest scientists in human history. Newton is credited for discovering gravity. (In truth, Newton questioned the extent of gravity, not its existence.) He said, "Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who set the planets in motion. God governs all things and knows all that is or can be done." He is known for Newtonian Physics and his three Laws of Motion. In fact, a newton is the amount of force required to accelerate a body with a mass of one kilogram at a rate of one meter per second squared, named after Sir Isaac Newton. He actually spent more time studying religion than science. He is quoted as saying, "I have a fundamental belief in the Bible as the Word of God, written by those who were inspired. I study the Bible daily." His devotion to science sprung from his view that since God created the universe in a rational and orderly fashion, it could be understood by rational and orderly people. He argued that God could be found in the humble and careful study of the Word and Creation. It's not surprising, then, that Christians like to claim him as one of their own.

In a time when Christianity is under attack by secularists who like to think that any thinking person would reject all that religious nonsense, Sir Isaac Newton is popular among Christians. "He's one of us," we like to think. No one disputes his intelligence or his science or his Christianity. Almost no one, that is. You see, if we dig too deeply into the man's views, we run into problems.

Take, for instance, his eschatology. Newton argued that the world could not possibly end any sooner than 2060. While the Bible says that we can't know the time, and that we are to be ready always, Newton was trying to fend off the "end of the world" folks. Now, if that was it, there would be no big deal. Unfortunately, it gets worse. Prior to Newton, the perception of the Church was that God was intimately involved in the universe. Newton suggested a God who created a universe with reason and physical laws. As such, the universe ran on its own. This was the footing needed for Deism to take hold. (Note: The God that Newton claimed was not deistic. It's just that his reasoning led others to that conclusion. Note, also, that it is a commonly held belief today even among evangelical, Bible-believing Christians, this disconnect between God and His creation.)

It is fairly well documented that Newton rejected the doctrine of the Trinity. He wrote A Historical Account of Two Notable Corruptions of Scripture in which he indicates that the New Testament we have today (or at least in his day) was corrupt and that the doctrine of the Trinity was added. His theology paralleled the Socinians of his day. Socinians held views rooted in rationality only and rejected orthodox teachings on the Trinity and on the divinity of Jesus. Newton, however, understood that the religious climate of his day would label such beliefs as heretical, so he kept them mostly to himself, but he viewed the doctrine of the Trinity as an affront to monotheism, to which he devoutly held.

Newton rejected the idea of actual demons. In fact, it appears that he held to a view known as mortalism, the belief that is today referred to as annihilationism. There is no actual "hell." The judgment of evil people is simply annihilation.

No one is right all of the time -- at least, no human. We all have errors in our views. We have time while we live to correct them. Sir Isaac Newton is past that time. He cannot defend himself or correct himself. I want to be careful not to go too far here. And his contributions were valuable. However, when we pick our "allies" in the arguments with the world, perhaps we ought to be careful not to pick people who just might have been our opponents in discussions of real consequence like the nature of God and the Trinity and the existence of Hell. It's nice to have recognized people on our side, but we don't win with recognized people. Winning is God's job.


  1. Yes Newton was highly intelligent , and yet took his religion extremely serious, except he took the time to look up the facts, and went through it in a definite manner.
    I have read much of his thoughts and they seem much more accurate than the complicated religion we have of today... most of the world are led astray... exactly because they dont take the time to look indepth to the bible... and god says you have to look diligently to understand... and if you dont then death awaits you.
    And newton has looked diligently, and instead of following the church that has gone so off the mark, he looked for himself.
    And jesus said its like the blind leading the blind, they will both fall into a pit....
    The fact is no one understands god as a whole, except jesus christ who god sent to enlighten the world, and to change our ways and understand god... and yet here we are today blabbering about who is right and who is wrong and what religion is correct. The only way is to search and read diligently and you will see many things that upset you about what you believed or were told, cos they were wrong, but thank god that you searched for yourself... Does not revelations say that more than two thirds of the world will perish...
    If anything newton was 100% correct in the trinity being false... it was made up by the roman catholic church.... do you not remember that god is one... or that jesus constantly revered his father saying it would not be possible without my father, or my father is greater than i... when jesus said we are one... he meant we are the same in mind... is that not why he was sent to enlighten the world of his fathers wishes and be a covenant in blood with his crucifixian.
    Or what about when jesus got baptised and the heavens opened and god said this is my son who i am well pleased.
    The trinity is a false hood, their is only one god, the father of all... yet we are being led astray by the roman catholic church that say jesus is god..... but they are even mixed up cos if you go from priest to priest, nun to nun, or person to person in this church and ask them a simple question: Do you believe jesus to be god.... most will say no, yet many will say yes.... but the ones that say no, then why is it one of your main prayers starts with mary mother of god....
    It just seems a waste that people dont take the time to look up what is right and what has been added or what theu have been told... after all it was said... many will cry lord i have spread your name and cast out devils in your name... the will say i do not know you...
    All in all newton brought things down to what really matters, a understanding of the scriptures as they are meant to be.... never mind his thoughts on hell, god is not going to cast him there for his thoughts on that.... but he will reward him for searching diligently for him, and grasping his words, for the simplicity they were and are.
    And simply put, there is one god, and you live by his rules, and when you cock up, you ask forgiveness, and you treat eevryone as you would like to be treated :)... nothing special about that is there..

  2. Anonymous: "newton was 100% correct in the trinity being false... it was made up by the roman catholic church"

    You've been listening to folks who are not telling you the truth. I, for instance, don't believe in the Trinity because the Roman Catholic Church made it up. I believe in it because it is on almost every page of the Bible. This post includes a large biblical argument for the Trinity. I've posted several things on the Trinity and this repeated, false claim that "the Catholic Church made it up". It is found in the pages of the Bible. It was affirmed before the Roman Catholic Church ever existed. It is still affirmed today by all orthodox, genuine Christians.

    You complained, "here we are today blabbering about who is right and who is wrong and what religion is correct." It was Jesus who said, "No man comes to the Father but by Me." You said, "It just seems a waste that people dont take the time to look up what is right." You haven't. I would recommend it.

  3. Ok, you are fully entiltled to your thoughts, but they are not mine and never will be. I have researched trinity for my own sake not cos someone told me it was so, and what i found is that god is one, not multiple parts of people or beings.
    Jesus was sent as a blood sacrifice by god and a covenant, and he was without blemish and found pure in gods eyes at death. That is why jesus was resurrected, and is the first being by god to be resurrected from the dead to everlasting life, and given to him is the power over many.... that is why the only way to god is through jesus christ our lord.... yet he is not god, just given this status. anyway your thoughts are yours and mine are mine, i wish you the best :)

  4. "god is one, not multiple parts of people or beings."

    If you don't understand the doctrine and you won't examine the Scriptures I listed, perhaps it would be wise if you didn't argue against something you don't understand and won't consider.

    Oh, and sending a human blood sacrifice is a problem. If all Jesus was was human, then all He could pay for was ... one human. That's a problem.


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