Sunday, August 05, 2007


In an astounding passage in his letter to the church in Philippi, Paul writes, "I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content" (Phil. 4:11). Contentment -- what a concept! Paul fills us in as to his secret. "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me" (Phil. 4:13). The secret, then, of Paul's contentment in every situation is that through Christ he has the strength to handle every situation that he encounters. Interestingly, when Paul is listing the situations in which it might be difficult to be content he includes something we might not expect: "I have learned the secret of facing plenty ..." (Phil. 4:12). We understand the difficulty of being content when we are in need, but Paul suggests that it's equally difficult to be content when you have a lot. And in those situations as well as times of need, contentment can be derived from placing your eyes beyond your circumstances to the One who supplies everything you need.

When someone asked one of America's richest men, John D. Rockefeller, "How much is enough?" he replied, "Just a little bit more." Biblically, the Greek word for "greed" means literally "the desire to have more". In other words, Rockefeller's reply was the perfect definition of greed. And it perfectly illustrates the problem of "facing plenty". No matter how much we have, when we have it it isn't enough.

I would like to arrive at contentment. There are times that I seem to pass right through it, enjoying a short time of satisfaction of all that God has provided for me. I hope that I spend more time there than not. But I am not, in all honesty, always content. I am not content when I am in pain. I am not content when there is a shortfall and a need arises. I am not content when I take my eyes off what God has provided and look at what others have.

That's really the secret, isn't it? Do I really believe that God provides everything I need? Conversely, the real problem is the reverse. Am I really grateful for all that He has provided? Too often we are grateful for what He provides only when we lose it. I want to learn to be grateful for it now. I understand, in theory, the secret of contentment. Like Peter, sometimes I can walk on water in a storm (so to speak) as long as I keep my eyes on Christ (Matt. 14:28-30). But then I get my eyes off Christ and on the storm and my contentment sinks. Teach me, Lord, to be grateful for the abundance You have provided for me.


  1. This was a well timed article for me. I was just becoming grumpy because of recent circumstances. I read this today just after watching a young man born without arms and legs preach on how God's grace is sufficient. You may be familiar with Nick Vujicic of "Life Without Limbs". Puts everything in perspective.

  2. Anybody who would like to see Nick Vujicic's testimony can look here.


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