Monday, July 23, 2007

Shhh! Someone's Listening!

My mother reads this blog. I don't know that it's all the time, but she comments with sufficient frequency via email to let me know that it's not uncommon for her to read this blog. You have to know that this knowledge has an effect on what and how I write. For instance, Mom knows her grammar, so I'm careful to get that malarkey important stuff right. (I'm kidding, Mom.) More importantly, Mom knows her Bible. If I were to try to write some stuff that just didn't line up, she'd know it. And, ultimately, Mom loves me. That means that she wouldn't just ignore it if I made a real mistake in the content of this blog. Because she loves me, she would let me know. Trust me ... she has.

So what? So what if my mother reads this blog? What do the rest of you care? Well, for me and for the rest of you, there is Someone else who reads what you write, who watches what you do. If I'm concerned about my mom, He is of much higher concern.

I don't have to wonder what some of you think about what I write. Some (0kay ... very few, but not zero) of you tell me. And I don't have to wonder what my mother thinks of what I write. She tells me. I do have to wonder what God thinks. And I suppose, more to the point, I ought to. We often enter things online that are done "in a vacuum", so to speak. We don't think about what others will think. We don't care about how others will feel. It's just something that comes from inside and there's no one here but me and this monitor and I'm going to let this monitor know what I think. It's not true; it's simply not true. I'm not alone here with this monitor. I'm not even here with my mom reading over my shoulder. It's important that I don't offend her. It's valuable that I don't write stuff that would be detrimental to others. But most of all I need to keep in mind -- actively -- that my Lord and Savior is always reading over my shoulder, and what I write should not offend Him. What I write should bring Him pleasure. It's true for this blog, and it's true for my life.

God watches my life. And God knows how it should be done, so I ought to be careful to get that stuff right. More importantly, God knows the truth. If I were to try to offer you some stuff that just didn't line up, He'd know it. Ultimately, God loves me. That means that He won't just ignore it if I make a real mistake. Because He loves me, He will correct my thinking. Trust me ... He has ... many times.

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer" (Psa. 19:14). Don't forget that, Stan.

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