Thursday, May 17, 2007


Okay, I'm confused. The Democratic congress is up in arms trying to stop the war in Iraq because it is a "mandate from the people". They believe a majority of Americans want the war to end and claim that as their goal.

Now they're trying to overhaul America's immigration laws by giving the illegal aliens in this country what amounts to amnesty. Now, it is a simple fact that a majority of Americans are against giving illegal aliens amnesty.

So ... why is it that stopping the war is a "mandate from the people", but not giving amnesty to illegal aliens is not? How do the Democrats decide when to do what the majority want and when not to? It looks like a double standard. What am I missing?


  1. If I'm not mistaken, I thought I heard that approximately 70% of the American public was against amnesty for illegal aliens. No, you are not alone scratching your head on this one.

    The so called mandate to bring our troops home from the Middle East also includes something that the Dems would like to forget; come home only after we have accomplished what we set out to do, that is not the same as turning tail and running for home.

  2. Thanks. I'm glad I'm not alone in this confusion.

  3. I too am wondering about this 'amnesty' one asked my opinion (not that anyone really knows who I am). BUT if they would ask -- I'd say NO to the illegal aliens. I was once turned down (o, so many moons ago) for finanical assistance for an upcoming surgery because I was NOT a minority. Hummm...I was the ONLY white person in the room, being told by a black woman, that IF I had kept my married name (I went back to maiden name after divorce) I would have had ALL I wanted and then some....because as a "RODRIGUEZ" I was a minority. Not that my nationally had anything to do with who or what I was -- but by surname certainly did. SO...if they all want to stay in American, let's change their last name to JONES (or some equally American name) and then they won't qualify for all our free services.
    I really really don't believe the folks in 'power' really understand what the people, common or not, want or need.
    Sign me - Proud to be an American, although a confused one.

  4. Well sure it's confusing. Its obvious you're not in that Democrat mindset where you say what you don't mean, and mean what you said, uless of course it becomes expedicant to not mean what you said, in which case you can say what you meant when you said what you said whether it was actually what you meant when you said it or not. And if that too confusing, just remember this: if something is less than good in your life, it's Bushes fault; that should just about sum up everything you need to know about politics for the next twenty years.

  5. LC, don't get me started on the "Sorry, you're not a minority" issue. You're right.

    Danny, thanks for all the help. You've cleared things right up for me, just as, I'm sure, you intended.

  6. Let me husband, who came to this country LEGALLY when we got married (fiance visa and everything), had to pony up for shots & approved medical exam, etc, in his home country. Then he applied for his green card, and had to wait LONGER than friends who got married without the fiance visa and who had to pay a fine that was SMALLER than our fees for doing it the right, LEGAL way. Did I mention they got their green cards sooner? And my husband had to renew his drivers license, work authorization, and Social Security card every year while waiting, on his own expense (a couple hundred dollars a year, plus a day off work since they don't give appointments to renew work authorization). Oh, and he had to pay into Social Security and wasn't eligible for it or disability if he had been hurt during that time.

    Illegal immigrants are NOT entitled to amnesty. Our whole immigration system is TOTALLY BACKWARDS. People doing it the legal way are made to feel like criminals (did I mention that he had to obtain travel "parole" documents every year too? Just to have the ability to go home & visit his family while we were waiting for his green card?); while those doing it illegally are granted free healthcare, free schooling, and don't pay taxes.

    We need a change!!

  7. I agree... we need a change!

    But... Clinton was the one that gave unemployment wages to the Mexicans who worked in the U.S. but lived in Mexico. I still haven't figured that one out. I called White House to ask him "What are you thinking?!?" But, got no answer.


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