Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I was mulling today, as I am wont to do, and it occurred to me that there's one set of feelings that's not likely being taken into account in all this shared grief over the events in Virginia. Can you imagine what the parents in South Korea of this wild gunman must be feeling?

It tried to imagine it. You know they didn't send their crazy son college in America. They had no idea he would snap and kill 32. What would you feel if your college-age child went to a foreign country to study and ended up perpetrating the worst massacre in the history of that country? It has all the earmarks of ... horror for the parents. What kind of guilt must there be? "Where did we go wrong?" "How could it have happened that our son would do it?" What kind of sorrow must there be, with a distant death of their loved son piled on the horror and shame of what he did and how he died.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm including these likely devastated parents in my prayers for the families and survivors of this tragedy.

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