Monday, February 05, 2007

Conspiracy Theory

It's a conspiracy, I tell you ... a bona fide conspiracy. Now, to those who know me, this statement would be a bit of a surprise because I'm not your typical conspiracy theorist type. I don't believe that the government is trying to read my thoughts or poison us with fluoride in the water, that the 9/11 attack was orchestrated by George Bush, or that aliens are residing in Roswell. I don't believe that John Kennedy is the Antichrist (seriously, that one was floated for a time), that the AIDS is an intentional organism aimed at killing homosexuals, or that Christianity is a product of a secret organization in France. I'm not buying any of this.

I don't believe that people are behind this conspiracy. It's not some particular group. I think it is, if you will, a scheme from the pit of Hell. Nonetheless, it is gaining ground and taking control in more places than you can imagine. So ingenious and successful is this effort that you may likely have fallen victim to it already, not know it, and even think it is a good idea.

What is the conspiracy? The goal is to emasculate men. The purpose is to strip men of that which makes them male and, in the process, devalue that which makes men men. What would be the reason for such an effort?
But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God (1 Cor. 11:3).
God has set up a chain of command which begins with Him. In human terms, it places males over females. The extent of that chain of command is not in question here. That is a dialog for another time. However, the existence of that chain is irrefutable. Now, if you are the Enemy (say, oh, I don't know, Satan?) and you were at war with God and wanted to mess up His system, one of the smartest things you could do is disrupt His chain of command. Of course, he has no means of disrupting either the Father or the Son, so he is left with disrupting the connections between Christ and men and between men and women.

How is he working out this conspiracy? I think we are all aware of this major thrust in society today to "tame the beast", to take the edge off of marital problems, to fix families. The primary approach is to alter men. Men are to "get in touch with their feminine side", to find their "inner child". They are to set aside aggression, learn sensitivity, be more "feeling". (Funny thing ... why is it that we never hear anyone tell women, "You need to get in touch with your masculine side"?) The primary model we use today of "good people" is women. Women are fundamentally good. Men must become more like them. That's the thinking.

Unfortunately, that's not a biblical perspective. What we (yes, even we Christians) have forgotten is that God made men to be men and women to be women. The two genders are different, and they are different by design. Women are designed to nurture; men are not. Women are designed to multitask; men are not. When God designed the genders, He did a very odd thing. He designed the two to complement each other. Careful; check the spelling. I didn't say "compliment". To "complement" is take two parts that make up a whole. God designed men to have certain tendencies and inclinations to accomplish certain things. He designed women to have certain tendencies and inclinations to accomplish certain things. He designed the two to work in such a way that together they can accomplish much more than they ever could apart.

We've forgotten that. We've decided that the way God made men wasn't good, so we've decided to fight the very nature of the beast and try to make men in the image of women. Sometimes we seem to succeed ... by breaking the male in question. More often we fail and bemoan how awful men are. Neither of us -- male or female -- seem to be willing to take into account that women are not men and men are not women. As the French would say, Vivé la difèrence!

There are differences between men and women. Some are sinful. Some are not. We need to figure out that some of those differences are necessary and good and embrace them. Stop trying to make men into women. God designed men to be responsible. Can't we allow for God's design in that arena rather than trying to remove those characteristics? Do we really believe that we can improve on God's design? Are we really going to let the Enemy get the upper hand with this conspiracy?

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